One year after sheikh Maashuk al-Khaznawî’s death, the case remains mysterious and still unclarified. But will it be ever cleared up ?
One year after sheikh Maashuk al-Khaznawî’s death, the case remains mysterious and still unclarified. But will it be ever cleared up ?
Few days ago, Leyla Zana made a visit in Southern Kurdistan, in the aim to meet Masud Barzani and Jalal Talabani, the presidents of Kurdistan and Iraq, for talking about something that worries her more than the Kurdish question in Turkey : I mean a possible military intervention of Turkish troops in Iraq, to expell the PKK basis. Leyla Zana offers the great advantage to demonstrate clearly for which side she works herself. Astoundingly silenced during the riots of Diyarbakir, she, who likes to take a Kurdish Pasoniaria’s attitude, cares a lot about border incidents in Iraq. And as a very helpful person, then she ran to meet Barzani, for an uncertain mission… Does she want to explain him how he has to do for having a free State without being ataatcked by Turkey ? In any case, Barzani answered patiently by criticising the new bellicist line of the PKK, explaining that ” “Radicalism is over. Toughness just brings blood. Everyone realizes that it is impossible to achieve our aims through weapons. We can succeed if we get together”, in short, everybody (but the PKK) knows here that violent action are useless, and if the PKK stop its attacks from Kandil mountains, incidents would decrease a lot at Iraqi border.
Annales Islamologiques no 41 (June 2007)
A special issue of Annales Islamologiqueswill be edited in June 2007 dedicated to The Diplomatic Conventions in the Islamic World. The researchers are kindly invited to submit their proposalsfor articles (title and maximum one page summary) by e-mail until June 15th, 2006. They will be informed before June 30th, 2006 whether their paper is accepted (or not). The completed articles should be written in French, Arabic or English and have to be transmitted to the coordinator October 1st, 2006 at the latest. A committee, should the occasion arise, will ask the authors for modifications.
In “The Golden House of Samarkand” Corto Maltese goes through Anatolia in 1920s, during the War of Independance between Kurdish-Turkish-Russian-Armenians troops. Like in “Ethiopiques” and “Scorpions of desert”, Hugo Pratt enjoyed to describe the collapses of an empire, and these big messes where different nations and heterodox cults made alliances or fought each others, with the cupidity of treasures hunters, patriotic and idealistic butchers deceived by History, secret political or mystic brotherhoods, dreams, trances and passages in the “Barzakh”… (more…)
Al-Maqamat is one of the most famous books of Arab literature during the Middle-Age. It tales the funny adventures of a tricky traveler, a genius in language, grammar and poetry, Abu Zayd. Moreover, we can see that calling extremist and puritan Islam of nowadays “a return to Middle-Age” is stupid, when we are reading these stories, where people enjoyed to drink wine and fall in love with beautiful and handsome youths, from both genders… No, Middle-Age period was not at all a general Talibanstan… (more…)
His first pupil is a trader who has to go to Kurdistan for his own buiseness.
– Let me teach at first useful words for my travel. How do you say “hot soup”, for example, for I will stay at inn ?
– Hot soup is “arsh” answered Nasr Eddin without any hesitation.
– What ? replied the pupil, with surprise, only one word for telling “hot soup !” I would be curious to know how you say “cold soup !”
– There is no word for that, answered Nasr Eddîn.
– Why ?
– Because Kurds dislike to eat cold soup.”
(NB : I don’t find any Kurdish word like Ars or Ers, for telling a meal. Perhaps Hoja stole it from another language… or invented it !
This time, Abdullah Öcalan criticizes Ismaîl Bes,kçi (not surprising, if we think that all the people who made and make REALLY something for Kurdish cause are soon or late a target). But the motive is one of the funniest : Ismaïl Bes,ikçi attacks Turkish State ! Mmm… very bad guy, isn’t it ? In any case, Öcalan could not overlook a such mistake. Then, during his last meeting with his lawyers, on February 28th, he stated fiery critics against the Turkish sociologist, who faced already legal pursuits in Turkey for his academic works about Kurds, while the PKK was not still existed.
It is always interesting to ferret old dictionnaries of History and geography. Thus, the Bouillet (ed. 1880), at the entry “Anatolia” mentionned it as a portion of Minor Asia :
“Anatolia, which had formed during a long time one single pashalik, whith Koutayeh (Kütahya) as capitale, is today divided in 11 eyalets : Trebizond, Kastamuni, Kodavenkiar, Biga, Angora (Ankara), Farukhan, Aïdin, Karaman (Caramania), Adana, Marash, Sivas.”
Both professors Oran and Kaboglu case face trial and 5 years in jail on charges of “inciting hatred and enmity and denigration of the judiciary” for having written a report on minority rights in Turkey, report which had been ordered by Turkish Prime Minister. The crime of this report ? It “urged govt to recognize some Muslim groups, such as Kurds, as minorities, sparking debate in media and calling into question Turkish identity in country where all Muslims, regardless of ethnicity, are considered Turks” (New Anatolian). (more…)