A campaign has been started in support of Marywan Halabjayi, a Kurdish writer who has published a book critisizing women’s status in traditional Islam: “Sex, Sharia, Women in the History of Islam”. As part of this campaign, we petition for Marywan Halabjayi’s safety.
The United Islamic Party, The Islamic League and The Islamic Movement have taken a violent position on the publication of Marywan’s book and made a legal complaint. Meanwhile, a religious agitation has been orchestrated by the mullahs in towns, villages and mosques
The Islamic League of Kurdistan has even issued a fatwa: ordering the murder of Marywan Halabjayi if he were to not repent and apologise for writing his book.
We strongly support Marywan Halabjayi in his right of free expression and oppinion. We ask that the Kurdistan Regional Government protect Marywan Halabjayi and that they prevent any un-democratic or criminal actions against him.
By supporting Marywan Halabjayi, we want to promote the freedom of political, religious and social expression. For a secular, democratic and plural Kurdistan!
Kurdistan nikare azad be ger mirove Kurd Azad ne be.
Let people speak out against cruelty to women