“In this world, anyone who let weakness and illusion
Surely will raise himself and distinguish from common people
Mef’ûlu mefa’îlûn, Mef’ûlu mefa’îlûn,
So in this way we measure the hezec ehzeb.
Bound as knotted are maqûlî girêdayî
Hidden as secret as unseen are veshêreyî.
The niche is kulek, the mirorr neynik, the lamp çira.
Lightness and shiness are both biruhnayî.
Scattering as spreading are belavbuyî,
Scale is terazû ; what is measure ? Kêshayî.
Keça hêj xwesh danayî di nêv qebrê is a girls who was buried alive*
Killed is bi dar kushtî, abandonned is li cih mayî.
*Mewûde was a former Arab custom that islam banned.
Bubble, boil, are hildekelin ji avê.
Luxurious vegetation is yên resh bûn ji avadanê.**
** Litt. Darkened by its own abundance.
What is gone ? çûyî, and what is going to happen is bêtin.
What is past ? Buhrî, and what is going to stay? mayî.
Joining as relating is têkilbûn ; xewn is dream.
People who are afraid and hide themselves in their blankets : cil li xwe werdayî.
Cover, binding of books are cem’ê di kitêban.
Writings is nivisayî.”
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