Organized by the Kurdish Institute of Paris
Friday June 16th 2006
2h30 pm-7 h00 pm
Salle Victor Hugo
Immeuble Jacques Chaban-Delmas
101, rue de l’Université
75 007 Paris
Métro / RER : Invalides
2 h30 – 3 h30 : Platform I : Introduction : Iranian society today |
Moderator: Hamit Bozarslan, co-director of the Studies of muslim societies Institute, ParisSpeakers:
3h30 – 5 h30 : Platform II : The issue of non-Persian nationalities |
Moderator : Kendal Nezan, Chairman of the Institut kurde de Paris, France Speakers:
5 h30 – 7 h00 : Platform III: Democraties facing Iranian Challenge |
Moderator: Gérard Chaliand, specialist of geopolitics, France Speakers:
American interventions in Afghanistan and Irad have for effect to disencumber the Iranian Islamic Republic of two of its worst regional enemies: Talibans of Kabul and the Baasist regime of Saddam Hussein.. These interventions strenghen in Tehran the feeling of a surrending by USA and their allies, the more so as Washington publicly places Iran in its “axis of the evil” and wishes even « a change of regime », while Iranian leaders prepare themselves and prepare the country to a harsh confrontation. In a such context, reformers, who gave formerly the illusion of a possible liebral evolution within the regime, were isolated of all the powerful centers and a former in charge with the Guards of the revolution “was elected” president by the grace for Ayatollah Khomeneï, the Supreme Guide of the Islamic Revolution.. The new president defies the international community, promises to delete Israël on the map, in some speeches aiming Iranian public as all other muslim countries. Iranian regime instrumentalizes the Israeli-Arab conflict and the Iranian-Syrian, – which had been already dangerously efficient in Lebanon,- tries now to harm Iraq, where it supports in many ways both Sunni Jihadists and Baasists, as much as Shiite militias. Iran has the obvious aim to maintain an American military occupation as so long as possible in Iraq, and then to prevent it to itnervene elsewhere. In the same time, nuclear ambitions of Iran, revealed by the statement of August 2002 concerning secret sites in Natanz and Arah, cause sharp concerns, not only in the Middle East but also in Europe and in the United States, because of the highly strategic importance of this area of the world. The principal Western capitals declare “unacceptable” that Iran could access to nuclear power. After near to 4 years of various negociations and tractations diverses, what are the chances of a diplomatic solution to Irianian crisis ? What to do if, in the name of « “inalienable right to the nuclear technology” » Tehran refus any compromise and to stop its activities of uranium enrichment? What are the risks of a nuclearized Iran for the Near-East and all the world ? Are these risks worth a conflict ? What could be the consequences of a such issue for regional populations and for the world ? The answers to these questions require a better knowledge of the Iranian society, of its ethnic and national components, its various aspirations, and of the Iranian mosaic, in order to evaluate the real support of the regime and of socio-economic, political and cultural factors inside the country.With the initiative of the Kurdish Institute of Paris, Iranian and Western personalities of different backgrounds and specialized experts and journalists are invited to be expressed within the framework of a pluralist debate, and to bring their knowledges and their replies to these questions. The conference proposes to contribute to this necessary debate on the Iranian crisis, which will face significant developments and be undoubtedly the great question of international politics for the newt years with considerable consequences for the peace and the stability of the Middle East. |
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