Or Hello and welcome to all the Kurdistanî and friends of Kurdistan !
I am very glad to announce the starting of Roj Bash-blog.
This blog gathers many users from all horizons, all origins (Kurdish or not), and I guess with various points of view. So we like, in that way, present a wide panorama of Kurdish sensibilities, and our different analysis about the Kurdish Question in all the parts of Kurdish lands.
We have added a special section to talk about news and events in the Diaspora. For, unfortunately, the tragic History of Kurdistan has created an important community of Kurds out of of their land, and the politic destiny of Kurdistan is still often decided or influenced in the capitals of Western countries.
Roj Bash blog has still got a forum where everybody is invited to express freely. There, we speak not only about the Kurdish policy, butin a larger way, about the Middle-East policy, and some news of all the world and in in a larger larger way of culture, Kurdish language, etc.
Roj Bash blog is issued from the Northern Iraq Project. This ironic way to call “Kurdistan” and its logo reflect the tune that we like to give in the project : serious topics don’t prevent jokes and humour about the current situation of Kurds. In fact, humour has had always been the best way to survive when you are in trouble… So we refuse too platitudes and clichés about the Kurdish questions. We shall criticize freely all kinds of power, states and parties if it is necessary, for the best way to make you understand the complexity of Kurdistan is not to give a soft and smooth image of the country… A sharp analysis would be always better than a soothing paper…
Another important point : Roj Bash has no official political line (except it is fond of Kurdistan). We don’t care to be congratulated by a leader or a state. Each authors will post its own opinions in an absolute freedom of expression, and only under his or her name. For that reason you could read, sometimes, some contradictory ideas concerning the same issues : Roj Bash-Northern Iraq wants to be a free platform of debate…
Step by step we are going to improve the project, add links, other sections, etc. Any kind of advices, askings and suggestions are welcome.
Then Bijî Roj Bash Kurdistan ! Long live to Roj Bash Kurdistan !
Piling and Roj Bash Team.