Author: Rando » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:43 pm
KRG and USAID embark on joint $18 million dollar health initiative
The Kurdistan Regional Government signed a memorandum of understanding with USAID on Tuesday aimed at improving primary health care throughout the Kurdistan Region.
The memorandum of understanding with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)represents an $18 million dollar initiative which will include the construction of 57 new health centres across the Kurdistan Region. The cost of the initiative will be split between both USAID and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).
The agreement highlights the dedication of both sides to strengthen Kurdistan's health care system by improving the delivery of primary health services and ensuring the availability of high-quality care throughout the Region.
The USAID Primary Health Care Project in Iraq works in partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Health to strengthen the delivery of primary health services in all of Iraq’s 18 provinces. The project has $74.8 million US dollars funding and has been in operation since March 2011.
The main goals of the project are to help the medical community to further develop formal guidelines and records, improve standards of care and clinical service, and foster community partnerships and participation.
The MOU was signed by the KRG Minister of Planning, Dr Ali Sindi, the KRG Minister of Health, Dr Rekawt Hama Rasheed, and the USAID Mission Director, Mr Thomas Staal.
Prior to the signing of the memorandum, the delegation from USAID along with a representative of the US Consul General visited Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to brief him on their efforts and discuss the project. The Prime Minister welcomed the initiative and confirmed the KRG’s interest in this and other co-sharing objectives, especially in areas such as this which are among the government’s top priorities.
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