Kulka wrote:kak Alan - i still respect you - we just discuss here and we disagree with each other.
Ok, what Barzani should do - first of all it was him who get disrespected by turks during his OFFICIAL visit there - he wasnt in turkya privat, he was a president of Kurdistan Region, which has the flag, these bastards didnt put even one small flag for us. The case like that is nowhere on the world to be seen.
Second - ok, lets put aside the fact that turya is killing and oppressing Kurds on a daily bases, lets close the eye on that - kerdogan came with official visit, so ok turkish flag at the airport as a welcome one, turkish flag in a hotel or wherever he stayed and turkish flag in a chamber where he carried on official meetings - thats all. But not all over the city, specially in front of the fact that which i mentioned above of Barzani visite in turkya.
you know why PKK "attack" turks? Do you know kaka Alan why? Coz you sounds now like our turkish opponents. In case if you think that bad PKK attack poor turks - i can give you thousands reasons for that.
Kulka wrote:how many times turks pissed off ceasefire declared by PKK? In may 2009 they blow up their own soldiers and blame PKK at it ceasefire time - the result was that kerdogan fucked up the negotiations. Kaka gyan - you have to undersdtand that turks dont want solution - they want to annihilate Kurds in north Kurdistan to keep power over the territory. They will never give Kurds their rights. Whatever PKK is doing - keep fighting or stop fighting - turkya is carry on their terrorist activity toward Kurds - you really dont see that?
If Barzani would love Kurdistan - he will never allow turks to enter there and invade the country from inside.
talsor wrote:@Kuka & Kurdishsoccer .
Demonizing this Kurdish group or other is the the step to our destruction . Feel free to post a new thread to discuss the above topic ,but kindly do not ruin this wonderful thread
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