Author: alan131210 » Tue May 10, 2011 7:25 pm
The Ifraz the second largest (dollar-wise) construction project in the country, coming in right around the $191 million mark.
Ifraz water treatment plant on the banks of the Zab River
Like similar treatment plants around the world, various filters here remove solid waste, and chemicals like chlorine disinfect the water. "By World Health standards this water has to be five parts per million," said York. "As you can see we are coming out not even one part per million."
The facility produces 6,000 cubic meters of clean water an hour and pumps it to the city, 32 kilometers away.
Initially the water pressure produced by Ifraz caused leaks in many of the city's existing water mains.
Those neighborhoods not connected to Ifraz still rely on deep wells owned by the city. Mashood Omar operates a well that serves about 1,000 homes. He says there is no testing for water quality, and service is sporadic. "There are three pipes, and we open one pipe per day," he said.