Author: Emmunah » Sun May 22, 2005 4:15 am
There is a very ancient writing on a cave or rock in the area of Israel, that says something like "Bless Yaweh and his Ashera" This reminds me of the Jewish Zoroastrian origins. Some archeologists say that the reason the Jews do not use God's name is because at some point each tribe had a name for their God, and to solve this issue, they just made a ruling that God had no name that could be spoken. This made everyone stop fighting about what God's name would be. So, all tribes could be Judaic and not have to call God a name of another tribe. Anything like this in ancient religions in the region of the Medes, Kurds and Zoroastrians?
Never look down on somebody unless you are helping them up.
You grow up the day you have your first real laugh.... at yourself.