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Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence

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Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:15 pm

Dr Jawad Mella

He was born in 1946 in Damascus to an activist family who was deported from Northern Kurdistan (Kurdistan of Turkey) to Syria after the World War I. His grandfather Mella Muhammad was a religious Muslim and a patriot. He built a mosque in his village Bedwan in the Diarbaker area that is still standing. His father Ibrahim Mella was an activist in the Kurdish Khoiboon Party with Prince Jaladat Baderkhan that led the Kurdish revolution in the Aghri mountains in the years 1927 – 1930. After the failure of the Aghri revolution, Prince Jaladat Baderkhan and the author’s father together with others tried twice to declare a Kurdish state in the Western Kurdistan. The first time during the French mandate times and the second time during the coup by General Husni Al-Za’eem in 1949. These attempts failed and they participated in establishing cultural clubs and publishing Kurdish newspapers in Damascus such as Hawar and Runahi.

In such a patriotic and revolutionary atmosphere Jawad Mella grew up with Kurdish books and writings of his father surrounding him. This was his biggest incentive to involve in the patriotic work early in his life. For his activities he was arrested by the Syrian Intelligence services for the first time while he was very young and was tortured in the worst barbaric way.

Jawad Mella wrote several reports, books and articles. The following are some of his activities for the liberty of the Kurds and the independence of Kurdistan:

1964 – 1969 a leading member of the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria.
1967 imprisoned by the Syrian intelligence service in Damascus.
1970 – 1972 met the late Mella Mustapha Barzani several times.
1972 the leader of the National Union of the Kurdish Students in Syria and participated in the conference of Kurdistan Students Union in the city of Sulaimany by an official invitation from the leader of Kurdistan Students Union, Mr Adel Murrad.
1970 – 1975 a leading member of the KAJYK Party, established in 1959
1970 established the KAJYK organisations in Northern and Western Kurdistan
1976 – 1984 a leading member of the Kurdish Socialist Party (PASOK) and commander of the Peshmarga fighters in the mountains of Qandil, Sorin and other areas of Southern Kurdistan.
1982 – 1984 a leading member of JUD Front in Kurdistan of Iraq.
1984 a founding member of the (KAK) committee calling for the independence of Kurdistan together with Mr Jamal Alamdar, Dr Shafiq Qazzaz and Dr Friad Hawizi.
1985 established the Kurdish Human Rights Committee in Britain.
1985 a founding member of the Kurdistan National Congress together with Dr Jemal Nebez, General Aziz Aqrawi, Dr Muhammad Saleh Gabori and Sheik Latif Mariwani.
1986 published the Kurdname newspaper in Arabic and Kurdish.
1987 participated in the first conference of the Kurdish Academy of Science and Art in the city of Vienna (the academy was established in 1985 in Sweden).
1988 accepted an official invitation by the UN headquarters in New York to speak regarding the case of disappearance of 8000 Barzan Kurds abducted by the Ba’athists since 1982.
1989 made the preparations for the First Conference of Kurdistan National Congress in London.
1989 arranged several meetings and conferences regarding the victims of the city of Halabja, the Anfal operations and the detention of 5000 Fayli Kurds by the Saddam’s Ba’athist regime.
1990 participated in several international conferences in Europe, regarding the Kurdish cause.
1991 had a large role in the urgent intervention of the international forces to rescue the Kurdish people of Southern Kurdistan during their mass exodus.
1991 prepared the Second Conference of Kurdistan National Congress in London and participated in the special conference for the victims of Marzaboto and Halabja in Italy.
1992 – 1994 sent several letters to the Kurdish leaders in Southern Kurdistan to take advantage of the new circumstances in Southern Kurdistan in order to declare a Kurdish state.
1995 – 1996 became a member of the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile with HQ in Brussels.
1996 participated in the Third Conference of Kurdistan National Congress in Paris.
1997 as a leader of a Kurdish delegation met the Libyan leader Moamar Al-Qaddafi in Tripoli by invitation from Colonel Al-Qaddafi.
1997 established the Western Kurdistan Association in London together with a group of patriots.
1998 prepared the Fourth Conference of Kurdistan National Congress in London and published the Congress newspaper in Kurdish, English and Arabic languages.
1999 received official invitations from the PUK and PDK to visit Southern Kurdistan to examine the situation there.
2000 as a reply to those invitations he sent several delegations representing the Kurdistan National Congress to Southern Kurdistan for cooperation with the Kurdistan government and other Kurdistan forces.
2001 – 2004 worked for a general conference for all the Kurdish forces in Western Kurdistan, in order to declare the Western Kurdistan Government in Exile. This was announced on 25/4/2004 during the Herne conference and Jawad Mella was elected as the President of the government. This was because the September 11 events in New York that changed the features of the international policy and balance are likely to affect the geography as well. The first among those affected would be the Kurdish people and their homeland Kurdistan.
2005 Established Rojava TV and Radio broadcasting from London in five languages, 24 hour a day covering Europe, Middle East and Kurdistan.
2006 Attended Washington conference for the Syrian Kurds at the Senate building on 13 March 2006.
2008 Established the Kurdish Museum, Library and Archive.
2009 made the preparations for the sixth Conference of Kurdistan National Congress in London.
2009 visited Kurdistan, look at his report.
2010 Established Osman Sabri Academy for Kurdish children to teach them the Kurdish language.
2012 participated in the Syrian Kurds’ conference in 28-29/1/2012 which held in Kurdistan.
6-27/11/2012 visited Kurdistan and met the leaders of Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western Kurdistan regarding the new situation of Western Kurdistan and then crossed the borders to Western Kurdistan which it was occupied by Syria.
Last edited by Anthea on Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence



Re: Jawad Mella from freedom fighter to famous political lea

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:22 am

Let's begin the great march
for Kurdistan Independence

Where are we today and what is our position on Kurdistan Independence?

The leaders of the Kurdistan people have been based on some of the structures that occupy Kurdistan to fight others and after the interests of the people that occupy the Kurdistan people, such as:

1. The South Kurdistan Revolution 1961-1975 adopted on the shah of Iran to fight Iraq and ended the revolution in international treachery.
2. The adoption of the Eastern Kurdistan Revolution 1979-1989 on Iraq to fight Iran and ended with the assassination of Abdul Rahman cruel filled.
3. The adoption of the Northern Kurdistan Revolution 1984-1999 on Syria to fight turkey and ended with the surrender of Abdullah ocalan to the Turks in treachery and international conspiracy.
4. The leaders of the Russian people were based on Russia in the founding of the Kurdistan Republic in 1946 and after the interests of Russia in obtaining contracts for the exploration of Iranian petroleum in the treachery of the Turkish people as usual.
5. The leaders of the Iraqi people were based on the United States of America in the southern Kurdistan Revolution and after its interests in the oil of Iraq, Iran and the gulf betrayed the Iraqi people in 1975.
6. The leaders of the Iraqi people were based on the United States of America in the south of Kurdistan and after their interests in satisfying turkey, seven Turkish countries, the satisfaction of Iraq, 22 Arab countries and the satisfaction of Iran to stretch in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ... despite the help of the jihadists in the elimination of the regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and in the elimination of ISIS 2014-2017, America betrayed the ạlkwrdy people again in 2017 in the question of the referendum and gave green light to enemies The Kurds are trapped in the southern Kurdistan region by land and the displacement of our people in shingal in 2014 and the occupation of kirkuk in 2017...
7. The leaders of the Turkish people adopted on Russia and the United States of America in the west of Kurdistan and after their interests were achieved, they supported the Iraqi people in 2017-2018 and gave the green light to the enemies of the cordillera in the occupation of afrin and the attack of sri.
8. Every time the kurds count on any of the bodies that occupy Kurdistan or rely on any global power, the result was as I said, with the destruction of thousands of villages and the destruction of the people who are destroyed by brutal methods, chemical and phosphorus weapons and buried 182 Al-Cordy in the deserts of southern Iraq and they are alive in anfal operations in 1988... the kidnapping of 8000 Cordy Barzani in 1983 and the kidnapping of 5000 Cordy in 1980, it is worth mentioning that supplies and Barzani and the Philly were male only and the reason to cut the offspring of the people who are in racism beyond imagination and racism the geniuses of racism in the whole world old and modern.

That is why I strongly believe that the policy adopted has proved to fail to stop the aggression against the people of Iraq, and I strongly believe that a strict and more strict strategy must be adopted than the policy of the institutions occupying Kurdistan, otherwise the people of Kurdistan will be beaten to a day Resurrection.

Failed policy is short by the following points:

1. The policy of self-defense is the policy of self-Defense, it is the destruction of our villages and the killing of our children
2. The policy is the policy of brotherhood and coexistence with the brutal and racist bodies that occupy Kurdistan...
3. The policy is the policy of obtaining some of the rights of the Kurdistan people within the borders of the bodies that occupy the Kurdistan region in order to ensure that the bodies occupying Kurdistan will receive the approval of the Kurdistan and forever...
While a successful political policy that leads to the freedom of the Kurdistan and the independence of the Kurdistan is the following points:
1. Follow the policy of attack and transfer the battle to the enemy ground because attack is the best way of self-Defense.
2. Follow the policy of considering the bodies that occupy Kurdistan as enemy bodies raped our homeland Kurdistan and robbed its imagination and used the people.
3. Follow a policy that leads to the breaking of the borders of the structures that occupy Kurdistan, which were drawn at the expense of the freedom of the Kurdistan people and the independence of Kurdistan with colonial agreements and agreements at the beginning of the
4. the liberal movement is required to change its strategy as mentioned above and if it does not, then it is definitely not the movement of liberal discordia because it is the movement of the bodies that occupy Kurdistan in conducting slow death of the people and conspiracy International for the continuation of the heritage and social, cultural, political and economic presence.
5. in this case the heroes of the cordillera should work to build the liberal movement Kurdish from scratch and install the liberation strategy listed above...
6. and if we are too late, but let's start building the liberal movement today than tomorrow. Because what is possible today will not be possible tomorrow.
7. The construction of the Kurdistan movement for the independence of Kurdistan is not pleased with the colonial countries who are the planted of the Sykes agreement, nor are the bodies that occupy Kurdistan the guardians of the Sykes convention... nor are the Kurdish parties that understood the issue and get rights The people are supported by coexistence and brotherhood with the bodies that occupy Kurdistan and participate in its governments and parliament and maybe the bodies that occupy the Kurdistan with financial resources to buy the heroes of the people and their great leaders...
8. The enemies of the construction of the Kurdistan movement for the independence of Kurdistan are so many, it is necessary to complete the secret and without the central of any group that is organized in its region with a strong confidence to know the real truth of the issue of Kurdistan's independence...

The struggle for the independence of Kurdistan is based on our people, the hero and the silent majority.

Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence.
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Re: Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:48 pm

The 1991 Kurdish exodus

Award-winning British photographer Derek Hudson has spoken to Rudaw about his experience covering the 1991 Kurdish exodus, describing it as one of “the most tragic things” he has ever seen

Hudson travelled to the Kurdistan Region when the exodus started, after spending six months in Saudi Arabia and in Kuwait. Going back home to England after the Gulf War, he heard the news of the exodus on television and decided to return.

“It just struck me as one of the most tragic things I’ve seen. I’ve been as you know, to many conflicts, but this is different, this is something totally different,” he told Rudaw’s Bestoon Khalid on Sunday.

“When you go to an armed conflict, there’s two sides and it’s a war so you know that there’s going to be shooting…but this is just people pushed out of their homes, out of vengeance by Saddam Hussein. I don’t think anybody expected this to happen.”

Hudson and a colleague attempted to travel back to the Kurdistan Region via Ankara. He eventually found "many thousands of Kurdish people camping under the stars" in the town of Isikveren in Batman province, where the photographers would stay for ten days.

Thirty years on, he remembers “all the people who could hardly walk, all the tiny children freezing cold, leaving with nothing. This whole image for me is horrifying.”

“Amongst the images that I made, there’s an image of a man probably in his 60s, carrying in his arms a little white bundle, which turned out to be his daughter that he was about to bury. This image has always stayed with me…it almost tells the whole story of this Kurdish exodus, because of the number of people that died crossing the mountains, which were covered in snow and ice at the time.”

To get out his photos, Hudson says he had to travel back to Paris to develop and distribute his material.

“We had to shoot what we could and then leave and we could not even take the chance to send any of the material form Ankara or from Istanbul because I was scared that the Turkish authorities would stop it.”
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Re: Let's begin the great march for Kurdistan Independence

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:47 am

President Barzani calls
for lasting agreement

President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani called on Monday for dialogue to “reach a lasting agreement” with Iraq in a statement marking the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 to establish a no-fly zone shielding the Kurdistan Region from Iraqi airstrikes

“Undoubtedly, the Kurdistan Region could have become a better model for the promotion of democracy in the past 30 years. There have been setbacks and great challenges. But at the same time, many of the setbacks that prevented the Kurdistan Region’s further development were not of its own making,” President Barzani said in an official statement on Monday.

“It is therefore imperative now, more than ever, that dialogue and tolerance replace disputes and hostilities, and that with the support of the world communities, the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Government reach a lasting agreement for a more promising future for all parties,” he added.

The impetus for Resolution 688 was the humanitarian crisis in 1991, when Saddam Hussein brutally oppressed Kurds after a Kurdish uprising against the Iraqi regime.

Hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled into the mountains and were subsequently trapped, cold and starving.

Two streets were opened in Erbil on Monday, Safe Haven Street and Sir John Major Street to commemorate the event. “[The] Safe Haven of 1991 was not only for the people of Kurdistan, but Kurdistan itself became a safe haven for those who’ve been deprived of liberty. During the Daesh [Islamic State] war over 2 million came to Kurdistan [Region],” Safeen Dizayee, Head of Department of Foreign Relations said in a press conference.

“We are happy that we have gathered here at the command of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Masrour Barzani, to name a street ‘Safe Haven,’ a name which 30 years ago was a humanitarian and military operation to protect a nation that wanted freedom, that revolted against oppression,” said Sasan Awni, Minister of Municipalities and Tourism.

The president also extended his gratitude to the international community and “all nations that took part in the issuing of the Resolution 688.”

He also thanked journalists and photographers for playing “a major role conveying the sufferings of the people of Kurdistan at the time of the exodus, which led to the humanitarian support of the people of Kurdistan by the world community,” as well as Iran and Turkey for hosting the Kurds as refugees.

“We urge the international community to support us to take further steps towards a better future, peace and stability for Iraq, the greater region and the world. We can together preserve and promote universal values and confront terror and extremism,” said Barzani.

Last bumped by Anthea on Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:47 am.
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