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Atatürk Godwin Point

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:17 am
Author: Piling
I've found the core and the end of all Kurdish debates : The Atatürk Godwin Point. All Kurdish debate in fact ends like : You disagree with me then you are a pro-Turkey agent and Atatürk's supporter.

Example :

– this recipe of shorba needs eggplants & tomatoes –
–No, just eggplants
– No, tomatoes also
– No, egg…


I think it should be used there more than the 'nazi godwin point' to close a topic :)) :ymdevil:

Re: Atatürk Godwin Point

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:30 am
Author: Anthea
Atatürk was probably the first well-known homosexual to wear a moustache

I am always shocked that Kurds admire Atatürk so much they feel obliged to copy him and also wear a moustache :shock:

As we say in the UK:

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" :ymdevil:

Re: Atatürk Godwin Point

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:33 am
Author: Piling
ha ha you'll have yezidi and yarsan's indignation if you say that.

Moustache is sacred for both, and for Kurds, shaving moustache is like being eunuch.

In fact, Atatürk IMITATED Kurds. :D

Re: Atatürk Godwin Point

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:42 am
Author: Anthea
Piling wrote:ha ha you'll have yezidi and yarsan's indignation if you say that.

Moustache is sacred for both, and for Kurds, shaving moustache is like being eunuch.

In fact, Atatürk IMITATED Kurds. :D

In the UK moustaches are often worn as a sign of homosexuality

The gay clubs are full of either pretty boys of those wearing moustaches =))

None of the Kurdish ladies I know enjoy being kissed by a hedgehog :))

In fact so much so that from what I have been told - Kurds seldom kiss :-o