We need to:
1. Save the Kurdish Nation from the threat of national annihilation, genocide, successive massacres, massive deportations, permanent wars, military occupation, continual humiliation, systematic repressions, coercive economic, social and cultural foreign domination.
2. Liberate our homeland Kurdistan from foreign occupation.
3. Establish favourable circumstances which enable all the Kurdish people to freely determine their own destiny, self-determination, and political, economic, social and cultural independence without interference of foreign powers
4. Realize the sovereignty of the Kurdish people in their own historical homeland and create an Independent United Kurdistan and to elect democratically the legitimate representatives.
5. Develop all spheres of Kurdistan national resources, especially the oil, for independence and development of a United Kurdistan.
6. Re-establish peace and human dignity in Kurdistan, and realize the fundamental rights and freedom of all the citizens of Kurdistan without any discrimination regarding race, ethnic, religion, sex or social backgrounds.
7. Remove traces of ignorance and exploitation, and change the national structure resulted from foreign occupation.
8. To find relations based on harmony, peace and security with all the neighbouring nations on the ground of equality and mutual interests.