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Islam is the Religion Of kurds

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:42 pm
Author: Mosul
Kurds are true Muslims, we allow many other religions to live with us in peace, unlike arabs. Alhamdetuallah for the kurds great tolerance!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:40 pm
Author: Diri
When Kurdistan is independent -

We should have "Yardanism" as our National State Religion... Yardanism is Yêzîdî, Ehlê- Heq and Alevism... And we know that Kurdish original religion is Zerdeshtî... And Yêzîdî religion has derived from Zerdeshtî... So naturally we must honour our forfathers and Let Yardanism be the national religion of our nation - yes we are 70% muslim, but the Zerdesht religion and Yêzîdî religions have built our culture...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:26 pm
Author: medya

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:39 pm
Author: Diri
Hey Carlo - welcome :D Haven't read your words before - as opposed to "seen you before" ;)

Hmmm... I presume you are Kurdish Carlo?

Either way I want to inform you that it is called Zerdesht or Zertisht... If you are Kurdish you probably have your way of pronouncing it. Zàrtosht is the Persian/Farsî version of the name... and In persian the word has no meaning - In Kurdish it can mean "Yellow (ZER) Thing(TISHT)" and "Yellow(Zer) Savannah/Desert/Open field(DESHT) " and if pronounced Zor instead of ZER it can mean Strong Thing and Strong Desert etc...

Zerdesht was born somewhere around Ormî - My brithcity... So it is wiedly believed that the meaninglessness of Zàrtosht can be explained because Zerdesht was an Ascendant of the Kurds... Probably the Hurrian Culture - as it was the dominating culture at his time... The Hurrian culture covered all areas of tadays traditional Kurdistan and it also covered all adjecant mountain ranges in north -Caucasus and Pontus in Turkey and the rest of the Zagros and Tauros ...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:48 pm
Author: medya
thank you, infact I had registered a long time ago but I didnt know i need to activate it by e-mail ... I just found it out .

I am half-Kurd half Persian wife is kurd :wink:
and I am intrested in Kurds , I belive we are all Aryan !

Bejit Arya Bejit Kurdistan Bejit Iran

by they way , me and my wife like to be Zoroasterian ... :D
and leave islam forever.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:56 pm
Author: Diri
Hey - well glad you found out about the activating devise :D

Interesting - there are many inter marriages between Kurds and Persians... :D As matter of fact I can't say that I know ANY Kurdish family (greater family with relatives and all) that has NOT got a Persian son or daughter...

Once again welcome and I hope you enjoy a good discussion!

We are Arians yes... but so are Baluch, Pashto, pakistani and some others... As matter of fact - here you have a map of the Arian lingual peoples:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:58 am
Author: marlboro
so do we hate Turks or what?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:38 am
Author: kurdistani
I don't hate Turks

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:06 pm
Author: Diri
I don't think we HATE them... As matter of fact - we dont HATE anybody... we are BITTER AND ANGRY... We are like a volcano - we can erupt at any given moment and the proceedings will be disastrous...

We are angry at Turks Persians and Arabs... But HATE is such a strong word I can only throw such a strong word into the faces of our oppressors... But not an entire people - some of them are goodhearted you know ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:01 pm
Author: Mosul
yeah diri great idea lets make yarnism our offical religion even though nobody who follow that religon is left. i understand you are hurt from our previous arguments that you would say stupid things like this. You really make no sense.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:11 pm
Author: Vladimir
Why need an official religion? Kurds are diverse, there can be more religions. Everybody decide for themselves.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:30 pm
Author: Kurdish Freedom Fighters
fuck the islam because of the islam we dont have a land

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:30 pm
Author: Diri
Welatêmîr - You know - I suppose you are right... The national religion can be all or non... Besides - Kurds are secular - so a national religion wouldn't be needed in reality - that would be the same as the Norwegian National Religion - Christianity - but in reality only 1 of 20 calles themselves Christian :lol:

So you can't acttually say that it is a "national" religion in reality - So I guess you are right...

Maybe we should we should just base our yearly calender on ALL the religions - so that people have free ALL the days that there is a religious hollyday in any given religion that exists in Kurdistan... That way there will be a more pluralistic and tolerant society in Kurdistan... :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:52 pm
Author: Mosul
if kurdistan ever becomes a nation i can promis you islam will be the offical religon, 97 percent of kurds are muslim and that includes sunnis,shyias,alevites,sufis. Religons such as Shabak and Yezdi are strongly islamic influcenced, expecially shabak. ofcourse all relgions are allowed in kurdistan, but the offical will be islam.