Zert wrote:No way in hell should anyone be imprisoned for stating their opinion. He gave his views on Islam, so what? Is that forbidden? Isn't it better to talk about, question, theorize and discuss about religion than to simply shut up and follow what is being said by religious leaders like you're some kind of sheep?
Look, I'm not a muslim, never will be, I'm a Kurd first, and regard myself more or less as a cultural Alevi too; so this will sound biased coming from me, but be rational now. I don't know why people are so quickly offended anyway; if you're so convinced of the truth of your religion, then write your own piece to counter the article!
He didn't even mock the religion, did he? How many of you have actually read his article?
alan131210 wrote:i personally think islam is religion of arabs , and in the quran it confirms this as well ; (ina anzalna quranan arabian lianakum ta'Qilun)
which means ; we have sent an Arabic Quran so that arabs can grow some sense and brain !
so it was not meant or sent for kurds at all , so we should have stuck to our old religion of Zardashti , oh well we are paying the price now .
when Islam took over kurdistan they use to abuse our women , kill us if we dont convert etc . in Jalawla many women were taken to Makka and when they popped babies out of them , in the street the kids were condemned upon and called "dirty" .
kani wrote:Some mullahs also dscriminate christians in Kurdistan
Cewlik wrote:kani wrote:Some mullahs also dscriminate christians in Kurdistan
But Many christians in Kurdistan are also racists, they insult Kurds and are Baathists, in the past they support the killing of Kurds. Even now where Kurdistan helps them they dont stop to insuliting Kurds.
talsor wrote:You are mixing politics and religion here.
talsor wrote:If the mullas care so much about Kurd and Kurdistan why do not they talk about what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Iran and Turkey ? why they do not declare jihad on them or even demonstrate.
Cewlik wrote:No I mix nothink, I say only that there is no Racisim against Christans in Kurdistan, the truth is that there is a Assyrian (who are christans) racisim against Kurds. They also insult us as Kurdish islamic fascists. And they support Saddam, only because he was a secular dictator who mostly kill Kurds and love christans. And Saddam dont recognized them as assyrians he only recognized them as christan arabs and they still love him. So you can not say that it has nothink to do with religion.
Cewlik wrote:But Many christians in Kurdistan are also racists, they insult Kurds and are Baathists, in the past they support the killing of Kurds. Even now where Kurdistan helps them they dont stop to insuliting Kurds.
Cewlik wrote:And you know all Mullas, or how you can know that they dont talk about that. Of course they should talk about that and criticize this barbarism against Kurds. But to declare jihad will not help the Kurds.
Cewlik wrote:Most of the Kurdish Seroks who fight for Kurdistan are also Muslim leaders like Sheikh Mahmud Barzanji, Sheikh Said, Qazi Mohammed, Mullah Mustafa Barzani etc.
talsor wrote:and by the way not all Christians in Kurdistan are Assyrian. Majority of them are chaldean and they are peace loving people
talsor wrote:You just validate mulla's terror action against Christians by calling them Baathist and now you say that mullas are not racist against Christians?
talsor wrote:what is your point ? off course they were muslims.
talsor wrote:Show me which one mulla is in Iran or turkey and fighting for muslim Kurds ?
Cewlik wrote:And all Mullahs are terrorists and against christans???
Cewlik wrote:Why you dont answer me? Do you know all Mullahs, or why you know that they not talk about kurdish rights?
Cewlik wrote:I validate nothink, I say only that there are MANY (not all) christan racists. You are the one who talk like all Mullahs are terrorists.
Cewlik wrote:No not only Muslims, they are Muslim leaders. My point is, that they fight for Kurdistan with a national movement and not with declaring Jihad. With declaring Jihad we will end like in Afghanistan and Pakistan./quote]
[/quote]Cewlik wrote:Civil Friday Prayer in north Kurdistan, out from the mosques which are controlled from turkish state. They do it every friday. All the Mullahs there demand rights for Kurds in north Kurdistan and freedom in the mosques, because the state prompt what the Mullah must say and they use that for their policy.
talsor wrote:and please tell me which Islamic party is defending Kurdish rights who ? Ansar al Islam or may be al quaida ?
talsor wrote:How many mosques did they bombed or burned to the ground and how many civilian did they kill ?
talsor wrote:lol , Yep they were fighting the infidels and spreading Islam on the land of Kurds . Who are you kidding ? and what does Kurdish national movement have to do with Islam ? and even if they declared jihad which Muslim country would have come to their rescue , please do tell .
talsor wrote:do you even understand Kurdish ? These prayer were made outside the mosque to protest Turkish state edited speeches during Friday prayer , So what the hell that have to do with Kurd and Kurdistan ?
Cewlik wrote:Both are not parties and Al Qaida is not Kurdish. Kurdish Islamic parties like the Kurdistan Islamic Union or the Party from Muhamed Maschuq Al-Xeznewi in Syria defending Kurdish rights. And maybe they will also establish a Kurdish Islamic party in Norh Kurdistan this year.
PS: I am not a follower of any islamic party, but is is not fair to say all of them dont defending Kurdish rights.
Cewlik wrote:Many, because many christans were high ranking army officers in the Baath era, many of them kill thousands of Kurds and bomb Kurdistan like Tariq Aziz. The same in Syria.
Even the christan refugees in Kurdistan talk from the "good" old days with Saddam..
Cewlik wrote:It is very difficult to discuss with you, you are the one who want that they declare Jihad, and I am against that, And as a example I show you all Kurdish Muslim leaders who fight in a national movement, without declaring Jihand. .
[/quote]Cewlik wrote:The same again. Look what I am write, I alredy say that they pray outside the mosque to demand Kurdish rights and to protest the Turkish state, because you ask me if there are any Mullahs who demand rights for Kurds, thats why I show you these Mullahs.
talsor wrote:KIU , Ansar alIslam , Islamic Movement of Kurdistan , Kurdish Hezbullah are all part of a campaign of destabilization in Kurdistan .
talsor wrote:killing kurds is Ok as long as it is done by Muslims , but not Christians ?
talsor wrote:They are not demanding kurdish rights . Watch the videos heval and see if there is even a mention of Kurds . There prayers outside the mosques is an Islamic protest towards turkish state and has nothing to do with Kurds and Kurdistan .
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