Balci wrote:Darkseid wrote:K4L_2007 wrote:I've always thought that Angels came from the monotheistic religions, but im pretty sure ezidi was there before all the other religions? And the believe in Melek Taus.
So were Angels known for the first time from Abrahams religions, or were they already known??
Maybe it is Babylonian faith that has evolved?
That may be a good theory
I am right now reading a biography of the blessed Sheik 'Adi and there are a lot of interesting facts. Yezidi is much like Zoroastrianism, and Zoroastrianism is much like Sanatana Dharma(hinduism), at the same time I reading up on Babylonia and the Summerians, Akkadians, and ancient Assyrians. Very interesting stuff, all together. I am just going to state what I have learned in the past week or so. In no particular order just random fact, and state what I believe.
Sheik 'Adi was not full blooded Kurd, as a matter of fact he was born in Lebanon and is mostly Arab. He does have Kurdish blook in him.
Sheik 'Adi was a sufi mystic, he believed in fasting, and believed in a some what masochist nature of spirituality, much like the sufi Kurds in Iranian Kurdistan that head bang as well as modify the body.
It is said that Yezidi aren't suposed to eat or drink out of the same dishes of other faiths, this may or may not be what Sheik 'Adi said. He would not eat out of anyone's dish but his own.
Sheik 'Adi was not necesarely anti Islam, he didn't like the shia(ironically most kurds who are muslim are sunni or sufi)
Enki and Melek Taus are very similar, Enki was represented by the moon, and water. He was believed to be under the earth, and would rise in the water. He had controll over peoples affairs. Shamash the Akkadian sun god(most related to modern day Allah/Jehovah) was not rivals to the Enki, much like how Melek Taus is not rival to Allah or if you will Xwede. It's interesting to note about the overall Babylonian myths is that the creator of this world are not the highest gods. I am confused if it was Marduk or Enki who created the world. If it was Enki that created the earth, than this is much like Melek Taus. In Babylonian myths there are many paralles to Hinduism and Babylonian myths.
My own personal beliefs, Yezidi is it's own religion with it's own rituals and dogmas. Like all religions it was borrowed from previous ones, as well as their cultural settings. Yezidi is not the oldest religion in the world, how could it be, when Sheik 'Adi was around in the 10th centuary. Yezidi has much similarities with Sufi especially al-Hajjaj, whom had an interesting philosophy on Iblis. From what I gather al-Hallaj's philosophy was that Iblis is master of all, because he refused to bow down anyone other than God. Yezidi I feel has probably changed a great deal since he died, I have a feeling that it was in better shape back then, than it is now. I don't trust the heiarchy(sp) that run Yezidi. This is just me though
"the seas postponed [the revealing] of truth,
Then kafirs porfaned Husayn's corpse.
[his] blood splashed upwards [and] Husayn said:'[it is] the essence ('ayn) of
secret, by which pride was increasing'.
"The seas [then] said that [it is] true,
Then kafirs tore Husayn's corpse to pieces,
[his] blood splashed upwards, [and] Husayn said:"[it is] the essence ('ayn) of secret, the('ayn) of pleasure, the essence ('ayn)of the the truth[of god] "