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PostAuthor: kassem » Thu May 12, 2005 6:52 pm

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PostAuthor: Vladimir » Thu May 12, 2005 7:31 pm

Yes, but you got to blame someone for your problems.
The jews has always been persecuted as Kassem says, more then the "muslim" people for sure.

And it's right that it is more a political conflict, but you can see a lot of muslims don't like Israel or hate/fear/don't like jews.
The suppression of ethnic cultures and minority religious groups in attempting to forge a modern nation were not unique to Turkey but occurred in very similar ways in its European neighbours - Bruinessen.

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PostAuthor: kassem » Thu May 12, 2005 7:38 pm

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PostAuthor: ChiChalok » Thu May 12, 2005 7:43 pm

kassem wrote:yeah, but you gotta separate disliking of israël from pure anti-semitism.

I for sure don't like israël, but that doesn't mean I want the destruction of israël or I don't recognize the existence of israël. the same way I don't like the US, but I don't wanna see its destruction either. it's just a matter of political stands these two countries take that I strongly disagree with.

unfortunately it's true many muslims are uneducated about this, and are fooled by the radical clerics who voluntarily confuse the two and say jew : israël. if you read the turkish press for example, you will really start believing there is a zionist conspiracty to take over the world. I've experienced it myself, these people have a power of scaring people that's very dangerous. unfortunately no governments in the arab / muslim world has enough vision to stop them.

kassem wat are shias views about jews?? they are the enemies of islam ...
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PostAuthor: Vladimir » Thu May 12, 2005 7:56 pm

Didn't Kassem say he was Alevi? Not shia?
Anyway why are the jews the enemy of ISLAM?? They are the people of the book too? Just like the christians. :roll:
The suppression of ethnic cultures and minority religious groups in attempting to forge a modern nation were not unique to Turkey but occurred in very similar ways in its European neighbours - Bruinessen.

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PostAuthor: kassem » Thu May 12, 2005 8:10 pm

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PostAuthor: kassem » Thu May 12, 2005 8:34 pm

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PostAuthor: kassem » Fri May 13, 2005 2:31 am

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PostAuthor: Emmunah » Fri May 13, 2005 6:44 am

Jews didn't take land, the Arabs agreed to let them have the land. The ruling class that owned the land, sold the land. Under Ottoman land rules, the land that was undeveloped, and not owned in common, was there for anyone to settle it. It was only later, when the Jews made something of the land, that the arabs wanted it back.

I'm coming to will see, we are not least no more than Armenians and Kurds :shock: . We've been inhabiting that land for 4000 years. It was only a Median King that let Jews go back to rebuild the Temple, then later the Romans destroyed it again. But, there has been a continued presence of Jews there since forever. When Israel was "given" "control" of the land by the UN and Britain left David Ben Gurion's speech ON INDEPENDENCE DAY in 1948, that he wanted the Arabs to stay and build the country together...some did not do that. The one's that stayed are happy there and their biggest nightmare is having to have their land traded to Palestinian rule....most say they will move rather than live in the PA areas, they do not want to be Palestinians. Before 1967, when Jordan controlled the West Bank, there were no such people called "Palestinians"...they called themselves Arabs or Jordanians or Syrians..but not Palestinians, because that was merely an area, not an ethnicity. You really have to go to Israel to see how different it is from what you hear. The war is not between Jews and Arab Muslims, the war is between the Israelis who are Arab, Christian, B'hai, Druze, and about 2 dozen smaller religions that took refuge there, when they were thrown out of Arab countries, and these people who did take up arms against Israel, went to live in Jordan or Egypt, and when the peace deals were signed with them, they acted as a proxy fighting machine for Arab nationalism and a place to focus the energy of people living under dictators, so the people could blame Israel and zionists and not their own governments. But in all honesty, it was the origional Ottoman Land Laws that really allowed things to get so screwed up in the first place. You should read them, and you would be confused as to who owns what,,,who bought what, and who has a right to what, if you were read them too.

We need to hang, no, no....Let Kurdistan be cursed with a country, a very good economy, a military force that's one of the best in the world, more scientists, more books published, more freedoms, more inventions than almost any place on earth....then we will worry about getting out of that horrible curse :wink:

I am having a terrible time with the forum, so if I can't post, you will know why. It's probably the computer I'm on and that will change on May 15. I miss you all in the meantime.

London: Got your message, could not reply.
Likewise Medya: but I sure was worried about you...thought I was going to have to walk to Oklahoma to see what info I could get out of them about what might have happened to you.
Nice to see some Armen here...went to the 90'th rememberence with fellow Kurds here. You are not alone. Kurds remember with you.

Now let's see if this will post.
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PostAuthor: dyaoko » Fri May 13, 2005 8:51 am

Emmunah , please dont get offended,,, Chichoolak is more muslem than kurd...belive me she told me , I must be killed because I exited islam...she will kill me if she can.

Chicholak , if you think you are really more muslem than Kurd, then please dont call yourself Kurd, and dont call Kurds friends cursed...

palestinians are jsut some Idiot Nationalist Arab, if they are really muslem , why they want to have a country for thierself ?
they can stay in israel and bee good muslems...

why they want "jursalim" as their "Qibla" while they face to "Macca " and their back to "Jursalim" (while they pray)....what is the point of owning Jursalim? their Qibla is Macca . not jursalim.
they better leave it for those who has respect for it.

they can be a part of israel country , and they can be good
they can pray for god , give zakat, and have hejab...what else they want?

they are just nationlist arabs... i dont say they are bad or evil . but
they are Just Nationalists,why we kurds should be used in the favor of arabic nationalism ?

oh my....i just remembered something.... shit shit shit... i forgot it...
there were some candian blogger who wanted to vist kurditsan....they talked about it in their blog...
i wanted to send them a letter to say welcome to them and give them any kind of help / direction and guide they need...but I remmber when I wanted Kajin to help she told me whats the point of "welcoming this infidels to kurdistan they are infidels,,,,"
I put my time discussing with kajin than writing an e-mail....and i just remembered them....i forgot their blog's adress..anybody still has it?

you Kurdish Girls in USA are so are so good in making enemy for kurds and breaking our friends heart/

I am sorry emmunah if you feel offended.
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PostAuthor: dyaoko » Fri May 13, 2005 9:11 am

let me tell you a bit of Jews....they were the only ppl in Kurdistan who had respect for Books.... Ebrahim yonesi says Kurd community never provided condition for poepl who want to write and cricitc....

Ebrahim Yonesi the Great Kurd Writer says

Barzani did a great mistake that he thought america will make a country for kurds , as they did for jews ...
infact jews made their own country by their Books...Jews knew the value of Science and books and the imporatnce of keeping Wealth in hand to control powers such as Russia..

Ebrahim continues....
We kurds dont even have a book about ourself writen by ourself...none of the Kurdish parties have wriiten a book about kurdistan ....while they publish books about marxist , lenin ,

I myself have respect to jews , they have suffred enough in the history by we foolish muslems.... do you know how many Jew's house been fired by we idiotr muslems? they had to run away to a safe israel. someplace to be their own .

you have no right to talk about jews like that....
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PostAuthor: Emmunah » Mon May 16, 2005 8:06 am

Thank You Medya, I am not at all offended....not at all.

Chi: Honest, I have so many Muslims who went to school in Muslim countries and they believe all of these things, and that's okay. We do not know something unless we learn it, and we learn from our culture, parents and school. If they taught you this, then you are going to believe it until you see for yourself. I would come to visit someday, maybe in the Kurdistan National Conference and we can meet. I'm sure we have so much more in common than we are different. I admire your religion in its tolerant forms, and many of our practices are the same. We have more in common with each other than we have with other religions I think. We definately have more in common about being Kurdish and Jewish!

There is a war, and I know many Muslims have died. I sincerely wish that were not true. If my people have harmed your people, (which does happen) I offer my apology to you because I cannot change the past, only the future. I am not every Jew, just as you are not every Muslim, but we can build bridges, learn about one another, and go forward in peace instead of backward to war or hate or predudice. It all starts one person to one person.
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PostAuthor: Diri » Mon May 16, 2005 10:45 pm

EMUNNAH! :o I am glad you are who you are! A proud JEW! :lol:

TO EVERYBODY ELSE- Are you out of your minds???? :evil:

We must not be prejudice like our OPRESSORS... WE MUST NEVER BE ANYTHING LIKE THEM!

Here is a Kurdish saying -

"Being a Kurd means being a friend and lover of peace and brotherhood!"


I sincerly salute my Jewish, Greek and Armenian friends and companions... Together we will stand as a united front against any sort of EXSTREMISM

- HOWEVER - I must say that I disslike ISLAMIST PEOPLE... I mean I see myself as the best muslim in the world! Why? Simply because I live by GOD's rule... not by some stupid IMAM or an idiot that tells lies to accomplish his/her political goals...

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