Author: Zerdusht » Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:59 pm
Hi again.
Yes, indeed there are some people who call themselves Zoroastrian and then proceed to heap abuse and insults on Arabs, Turks, Muslims and non-Aryans. I do not think these people are representative of Behdin or the Good Faith.
Actually, you mention Zoroastrianism as a dualist faith. I know that this is a common perception of our tradition - Ahura Mazda versus Angra Mainyu/Ahriman - a Good God versus an evil God.
But actually - this is a misinterpretation of Zarathushtra's message in the Gathas - which constitute the core of Zoroastrianism. What Zarathushtra says is rather that within every human lies a choice - to choose the constructive or to choose the destructive thought, speech or action. And that humans have a free will to choose. But there is really no talk of a God - in the sense a personal god. The conclusion of most scholars and intellectuals is that Mazdayasna is really a monistic philosophy - i.e. the universe is one indivisible whole. Meaning Man is not separate from God and neither are separate from the universe. Some others come to the conclusion that Ahura Mazda is God - but not omnipotent and therefore Humans are soldiers that assist Ahura Mazda in the fight against destructive thoughts, words and deeds.
But dualistic as believing in two separate gods - one good and one evil - I can tell you we are definitely not! We rather view Muslims, Jews and Christians as dualistic - in the sense that God is separate and above the creation (including humans) - i.e. a dualism between spirit and matter.
Of course I am just a simple man - no trained philosopher or priest, so these views could be challenged by other Zoroastrians. I am sure you will be seeing more Zoroastrian Kurds "coming out" in the future - at least in Western countries where they feel safe to change their religion. Am I correct in saying that apostasy or leaving Islam is - at least in theory - punished by death in many Muslim countries? I also think you will see a strengthening of our brother faiths Yezidism and Yarsanism, as well as part of the Alevis/Qizilbash. These small minorities are getting organized and ready to strengthen their unity to preserve their existence.
There are two main branches of Zoroastrianism. In India, you have the Parsees (approx 120.000 people) who mostly are not accepting conversion. In Iran, you have perhaps 50.000 Zartoshti who do not convert anyone openly in Iran, but welcome converts outside Iran (because of the threat from Iranian Muslims). Finally you now have Zoroastrians in the West who convert openly anyone willing to come to us: Russians, Latvians, Norwegians, Indians, Americans, Brazilians etc etc. There are small communities spread all across the world.
So, my hope is that we shall learn to co-exist without killing or insulting each other. If my daughter chooses to become Muslim I must accept her choice. And if your son chooses to become Behdin I would hope that you would accept his choice. Humanity first, religion comes second .