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No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:48 pm
Author: Londoner
No one dies because of old age.

Well, that was too extreme. Wasn’t it? Lets to rephrase it to: 'No one becomes sick because of old age but because of life style'. This is more realistic because it has been proved by a doctor with over forty years experience as intestine specialist. He is the inventor of colonoscope and colonoscopic surgery. He has checked over 300,000 intestines of over 300,000 patients and compared the diet of each patient against his/her intestinal diseases. From this comparison, he concluded that all diseases including all types of cancer, take root inside our colons because of our life style. He has proved it with practice.

He is now over 70 years of age and has not become ill since he was 19 when he got a mild flu. He has operated thousands of colon cancer, each one recovered completely and never came back. When he operates colon cancer some times he doesn't remove all the cancer to minimise damage to the colon. But the patient recovers. Hardly he advices his cancer patients to take medicine. After the operation he puts his cancer patients on a strict diet and style of eating as following:

1- To chew the food as much as 70 times per each bite. 2-The patient must not drink anything apart from good water. 3- S/he must not eat anything apart from whole grains and fresh fruit, vegetable and fish. 4- S/he need to do a moderate physical activity like walking. 5- S/he advised to enjoy her of himself and create a sense of purpose to achieve. 6- S/he need to keep away from anything distresses him or her and is prohibited from smoking, drinking, eating dairy products, meat and processed food. 7- S/he advised not to drink any thing with meal. 8- S/het advised to drink good water as much as two litres or more a day. 9- S/he also advised not to drink during the first hour before the meal. 10- S/he also advised to to do abdominal, deep, breathing around four or more times each hour. 11- S/he encouraged to eat fresh fruit half an hour before the meal. 12- S/he advised always to drink before becoming thirsty.

He graduated as a doctor in Japan on 1960s. After that he left to America with his young family for higher studies. His wife was not able to breast feed their daughter and son. So both fed from cows milk formula. Later both became ill, the daughter got skin rash and the son got rectal bleeding. He was a doctor but couldn't cure his children. He tried every thing but in vain. Later he suspected diet as Japanese and American diets are different. So as a last resort he stopped using cows milk formula to feed his children to see what would happen. It didn't take too long, both recovered completely.

The recovery of his children inspired him to suspect all diseases related to life style diet. After that, each patient came to him he took details of his or her life style diet and compared it with his or her colon disease. After years of practice he concluded we all become ill because of our lifestyle diet and most diseases mainly start inside our colons because of: 1-undigested food, 2- the type of food we eat and 3- how to eat it.

Undigested food causes diseases for two reasons:

1- Our body creates enzymes to digest food. If a food is not chewed completely, our body has to create a lot of enzymes to digest it. Some times the body reaches a point where it can not produce any more enzymes for a while. When this happens our immune system also stops. Because our immune system also made up of enzymes. At this moment we are at risk of getting any disease from a mild flue to any form of cancer or brain tumour.

2- Undigested food get fermented in the colon to become harmful and poisonous. It can cause any type of disease especially colon cancer.

The type of the food, which causes disease are oxidised foods, meat except fish, and all dairy products. Oxidised food includes old food, fried food, oil including extra virgin olive oil, foods with additives like processed and canned food and any other food exposed to air for a long time. Meat includes red meat and poultry. Dairy products include milk and the rest of milk products.

The way we eat our food also has serious implications, which includes chewing our food and drinking water or juice or alcoholic drinks with meals. The solution is to chew your food until it melts or becomes a soup in your mouth. In this way the food becomes ready for digestion before reaching your intestine, where it doesn't need a lot of digestive enzymes. Additionally, saliva with the food has a healing and immune property, which protects your entire intestine. Drinking with the meal, dilutes the enzyme. So the body has to generate a lot of extra enzymes unnecessary. The need for extra digestive enzymes may lead to the failure of the body to generate enzymes enough. When this happens the immune system stops also. The body becomes in danger of becoming ill.

“According to Present Day Medicine, 120 Years is the Limit of a Natural, Healthy Human Life Span”. Quoted from 'The Enzyme Factor 2' by Dr Hiromi Shinya, MD. Another study goes further than that and states that 'There is no natural limit to life expectancy'. This is source link: ... 074327.htm

So how can we live a healthy life at least until the age of 100?

We become ill because our immune system, made up of enzymes, stops for a while. This happens when our enzyme production becomes overloaded and can not match the demand. When our immune system interrupted free radicals, rust, and external infections can cause our body to become ill like a mild flue or something serious like cancer. Free radicals also cause ageing and speed it up. So for our purpose, we have to ensure our body always can get a lot of quality enzymes and take steps to control free radicals.

We get enzymes from our body, intestinal micro-organisms and fresh fruit, vegetable and any other uncooked food. To make our body able always to generate enzymes enough on demand, we have to nourish it with healthy diets always and not overburden it physically. Additionally we have to avoid psychological stress strictly, keep a happy and positive attitude always and create a sense of purpose to a achieve like to have a healthy life to the age of 100. Intestinal micro-organism enzyme production depends on the health state of the body and our life style diet. The healthier is our diet and body, the more enzymes generated by intestinal micro-organism. Fresh fruit and vegetables are always full of enzymes. Half steamed vegetables still keep their enzymes. Make a habit to eat fresh and fully ripen fruits half an hour before each meal. This nourishes intestinal microorganism and adds to the intestine fresh enzymes to make it ready to receive food.

We get free radicals from inside each of the cells of our body continually as metabolic by products. We also get them from undigested food inside our colon and from oxidised food. To cleanse the cells from them, we need plenty of quality enzymes, antioxidants, to neutralise them and after that they have to be disposed through urination. To speed up disposal, it is wise to make it a habit to drink a lot of water at least two litres/day. Each time you become thirsty you are ageing because your blood has become thicker and can not deliver nourishment to the skin and free radicals, rusts, accumulate in the cells of your body. So give up the habit of drinking water only when you become thirsty. Drink at regular intervals to prevent thirst. I drink about three litres of ionised warm water each day, a 700ml to 800ml an hour before breakfast, another one at least two hours after breakfast and one hour before lunch, a thrid one at least two hours after lunch and one hour before evening meal and a fourth one at least two hours after evening meal. My urine still tinted but doesn't smell.

Undigested food ferments inside the colon and creates free radicals, which absorbed into blood stream. To prevent it, eat healthy food and chew each bite until the food melts or becomes a soup in your mouth. This has three advantages: all the food get digested easily and the healing and immune property of abundance of saliva with food become strong enough. Additionally fully digested food nourishes micro-orgasm in the intestine.

Peal an apple and leave it for a while. You will see it gradually becoming reddish. This is oxidisation. The apple has rusted; loaded with free radicals. As a rule of thumb, old food, foods exposed to air for long time, butter, margerine, oil including olive oil, fried food, cut food like peeled and cut carrots in bags are all oxidised food and the worst of all of them is oil and fried food. I still use extra vergin olive oil because it it is full of antioxidant. I don't let it become oxidised further. I buy it in small plastic bottles. Whenever I use some of it, I don't let air goes inside the bottle. I squeeze the bottle to get rid of the air, after that I put back the cover. |I buy my fresh fruit and vegetable at places with high turnover and I don't buy a lot. This ensures they are fresh and consumed in few days without becoming old and oxidised.

Additionally, don't drink any thing with your meals because it dilutes digestive enzymes. Avoid sugar, salt, alcohol, smoking, fried food and all dairy products strictly. Limit red meat and poultry consumption to 10% of your diet. Do abdominal, deep, breathing whenever you are outside to inhale fresh air. It has two advantages: It raises your temperature to above normal, which help body to generate enzymes better and your body's temperature becomes immune from falling to 35 degrees, where cancer survives. It is a good idea if you are over 50 to select your food like the ones, which are kidney, heart and artery friendly and the ones protects you from diabetes.

I am almost 70 and my sense of purpose to achieve is to reach 100+ still healthy and working as removal man. Unfortunately I can not give up my job as a removal man because I need to do heavy work to overcome my asthma. Over thirty years ago I became asthmatic and my doctor advised me not to do any heavy work. By chance I became self-employed removal man with out remembering doctor's advice. Later I realised I was forgetting to use my inhalers because I was too busy. I think it was the same time The Iron Lady, Mrs Thatcher, introduced poll tax. It was a heaven, business was very good, every one was moving to avoid poll tax. Apparently because of the heavy work, my asthma disappeared but now I have to use my inhalers because hardly I do any heavy work.

Please note that these ideas can not replace your GP's recommendation. If you are on any medication you can use these ideas as a support to your existing medication as I have been doing it since I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and third stage kidney disease. When I was diagnosed, my GP told me to drink a lot of water every day to help my kidney. When I asked him about diet changes, the only thing he told me, was not to eat tomatoes because they are rich in potassium, which creates a heavy load on kidneys. But I was not satisfied. I changed my diet completely to something kidney, heart and artery friendly. It was very easy. You just check it online to find out benefits of each fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. After that you choose and reconcile the right food components to fit your state of health. I believe my diet change helped me a lot to recover. My blood pressure now is more than ideal, it is always under 120. A few weeks ago I saw an emergency doctor at my GP clinic because I had a severe chest infection. After checking my record and my last blood test, she said: “your kidney is better than eight years ago”. So I have not done bad.

I will soon make a website with full and extensive details of this subject.

Wish every one a happy, long and healthy life.

Source: The Enzyme Factor and The Enzyme Factor 2 by Dr Hiromi Shinya.

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:09 pm
Author: Anthea
I need to get fit and healthy :D

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:00 am
Author: Londoner
There is a heated debate on this subject at another site. Please click the link bellow: ... ge.333111/

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:23 am
Author: Piling
I just have a question to Londoner : since how many years (months ?) do you follow that diet ? And is it not too hard, to deprive yourself to many tasty food ? I mean, except if you like only wheat, vegetables and fruits, many thing are forbidden for you. It is like a Zen Buddhist monk's diet. You never carve of other food ?

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:40 am
Author: Londoner
Piling wrote:I just have a question to Londoner : since how many years (months ?) do you follow that diet ? And is it not too hard, to deprive yourself to many tasty food ? I mean, except if you like only wheat, vegetables and fruits, many thing are forbidden for you. It is like a Zen Buddhist monk's diet. You never carve of other food ?

I have been following this diet for years since I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and third stage kidney disease. It is really easy when you commit yourself to it. Some times I eat meat and fried chips at special occasions especially when I take my grand children to McDonalds. I am greedy, I eat their left overs.
They get happy meal, with which comes a toy. They don't finish half of their food. After a few bites they forget the food and start playing with their toys. After that I finish the rest.

But since I read 'The Enzyme Factor' by Dr H Shinya, I have been chewing my food a lot until it melts in my mouth, eat more fresh fruit and vegetable, always eat fresh fruit before each meal and don't drink with my meals any more. I drink ionised water about 800ml at least one hour before a meal and at least two hours after each meal.

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:14 pm
Author: Piling
Délicieuse crêpe au boudin noir et fondue d'oignons accompagnée d'une grappe de raisins blanc = Happiness. :)

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:47 pm
Author: Anthea
Piling wrote:Délicieuse crêpe au boudin noir et fondue d'oignons accompagnée d'une grappe de raisins blanc = Happiness. :)

Sounds fattening to me :))

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:55 pm
Author: Piling
Grapes are very healthy as Londoner would say :D

I drink also 2 glasses of red wine Corbières. :ymparty:

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:10 am
Author: Londoner
Piling wrote:Grapes are very healthy as Londoner would say :D

I drink also 2 glasses of red wine Corbières. :ymparty:

True, especially black grapes. ... ss-grapes/

If you are over 50, it is better to give up all sorts of alcoholic drinks, especially your favourite one, red wine Corbieres.

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:16 am
Author: Piling
Red wine is good for arteries and blood pressure, and 500% better than soft sodas. :smile: And I love it, while I never drink sweet sodas or fruit juices.

Moreover, I think that your Queen loves to drink gin as an evening ritual (if the tale is true), as did her Mum, and both reached a great age in good health. :p

Bijî Boudin Noir, I lost 1 kg :ymhug:

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:25 pm
Author: Londoner
Piling wrote:Red wine is good for arteries and blood pressure, and 500% better than soft sodas. :smile: And I love it, while I never drink sweet sodas or fruit juices.

Moreover, I think that your Queen loves to drink gin as an evening ritual (if the tale is true), as did her Mum, and both reached a great age in good health. :p

Bijî Boudin Noir, I lost 1 kg :ymhug:

I think we make a big mistake if we compare ourselves with the Queen. She has a different blood than us. Well, it is the same, but selectively is stronger and healthier. It is a by-product of struggle for supremacy. They have been supreme for over a thousand year. The same could apply to you depending on many conditions. For example how healthy is/was your parents, how long they lived, the same to their parents, your grand mothers and fathers, and their grand and grand grand fathers and mothers. In any case if you are healthy and don't over drink, you should be ok, nevertheless I believe you still play with Russian Roulette.

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:26 pm
Author: Piling
I don't overdrink, it makes people fat more than any sausages. 2 glasses of wine per day is good, my French blood has a good heredity to appreciate it :-D

Our life is a Russian roulette from our first breath until the last one : As it is said in High Valeyian, "Valar morghulis "(all men must die).

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:37 pm
Author: Londoner
Piling wrote:I don't overdrink, it makes people fat more than any sausages. 2 glasses of wine per day is good, my French blood has a good heredity to appreciate it :-D

Our life is a Russian roulette from our first breath until the last one : As it is said in High Valeyian, "Valar morghulis "(all men must die).

...and women :))

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:31 am
Author: Piling

Piling wrote:
I don't overdrink, it makes people fat more than any sausages. 2 glasses of wine per day is good, my French blood has a good heredity to appreciate it :-D

Our life is a Russian roulette from our first breath until the last one : As it is said in High Valeyian, "Valar morghulis "(all men must die).

...and women :))

Well if we think about Catelyn Stark, according to George R. R. Martin, women NEVER die. :lol:

Re: No One Dies because of Old Age

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:00 am
Author: Anthea
Piling wrote:Well if we think about Catelyn Stark, according to George R. R. Martin, women NEVER die. :lol:

In England - as in many other countries - women outlive their husbands by several yeara

Given that women often marry men older than thems selves - this could mean women having an extra 20 years or more life than their husbands

I think these blissfully peaceful later years are a reward from God for having to put up with a lazy useless man for most of their lives :D