THE FILM “Good Kurds, Bad Kurds” was screened at American University in Washington, DC, on Oct. 20 by the American University Foreign Policy Association and the United Nations Association- National Capital Area’ (UNA-NCA) Young Professionals for International Cooperation–Middle East Committee.
The film’s title is a result of a discovery that McKiernan made about the Middle East: Foreign policy and borders play a huge role in how the U.S. has dealt and continues to deal with the Kurdish struggle for political, cultural and national rights.
It was the U.S. government, in fact, which coined the term “Good Kurd” for the Kurds in Iraq, who helped the U.S. in its battle against Saddam Hussain’s regime. The term “Bad Kurd” was applied to Kurds in Turkey, specifically for members of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), armed resistance movement.
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thank god not every human is Michael Rubin.