Just published :
Kurdish Studies journal is an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality research and scholarship. Kurdish Studies journal is initiated by the members of the Kurdish Studies Network (KSN) and supported by a large group of academics from different disciplines. The journal aligns itself with KSN's mission to revitalize and reorient research, scholarship and debates in the field of Kurdish Studies in a multidisciplinary fashion covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, economics, history, society, gender, minorities, politics, health, law, environment, language, media, culture, arts, and education.
Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Kurdish Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2014
Open access to the articles in this issue are sponsored by Ahmed Foundation for Kurdish Studies (USA).
Table of Contents
Martin van Bruinessen
The Kurds and Middle Eastern “State of Violence”: the 1980s and 2010s
Hamit Bozarslan
Was Halabja a turning point for the poet Buland al-Haydari?
Hilla Peled-Shapira
Dengbêjs on borderlands: Borders and the state as seen through the eyes of Kurdish singer-poets
Wendelmoet Hamelink, Hanifi Barış
Nationalism, cosmopolitanism and statelessness: An interview with Craig Calhoun
Barzoo Eliassi
Obituary: Prof Dr Ol’ga Zhigalina (1946–2013)
Khanna Omarkhali
Book Reviews
Open access to the articles in this issue are sponsored by Ahmed Foundation for Kurdish Studies (USA).