Alfredo Kurdi wrote:But Mandela to the World was a Hero, and if he was killer why they wanted to give him Ataturk Prize for Peace?
In this sad world of ours people only know what governments allow them to know unless they take a really active interest in something
Years ago (probably long before you were born) my friends and I took an active interest in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa - in fact I was a director of the very first 24 hour multi-racial advice service in London - we started to find out how evil Mandela was - he was not fighting against apartheid but fighting to gain power - he was a vicious murderer killing both white and black people (those belonging to other tribes) - he eventually sold out to the South African Government
In order to pacify the South Africans and gain peace Mandela while he worked in with the South African government - his image was whitewashed to the extent that I doubt you will find very much against him online
In truth South Africans may be allowed to drink from the same tap but it is a frighteningly dangerous and violent country.