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The Halabja Bombing, 26th April 1974

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:55 am
Author: Piling
By Yasin Aziz:

Extracts from the novel, ‘A Few Days Life of Revolution in Halabja’, based on the real events of April 1974.

This was an example of a crime against humanity, a crime of genocide committed by the Iraqi Ba’athist Regime, when it deliberately bombed a civilian population twice within three days. When four French-made Iraqi Soukhoi air force jets came to bomb Halabja at 16:20 mid-afternoon, many people were expecting the bombing, because the town of Qaldzyia, 100 miles away, has been bombed on 24th April, causing about two hundred civilian deaths, and many more wounded. Many people in Halabja had left the town, but there were still some people, a majority of whom were young volunteers who stayed to assist with self-defence and to help with casualties : ... pril-1974/

French State and its innocent little trade… ;)

Re: The Halabja Bombing, 26th April 1974

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:13 am
Author: Anthea
I hope the author donates any royalties/fees he receives to a Halabja charity because NOBODY should make a profit writing about a horror