once the list is complete I will add a poll so we all can vote for the best kurdish TV

if you guys also help me with the frequencies for the satellite it would be great.
- KurdSat http://www.kurdsat.tv/newlive.php
- Kurdistan TV http://www.kurdistantv.info/KTV_live.htm
- Zagros TV http://www.zagrostv.com/stream.html
- Newroz TV http://www.livestream.com/newroz
- Rudaw TV http://rudaw.net/english/onair/tv/live
- Gali Kurdistan TV http://www.gksat.tv/Default.aspx
- NRT TV http://www.nrttv.com/live-broadcast/live-prim.html
- Korek TV http://www.korektvlive.com/index.php
- MMC TV http://www.mmc.tv/
- Nuce TV http://www.nuce.tv/zindi/zindi.html
- Kurd1 http://www.kurd1.com/ku/live/
- sterk tv http://www.sterktv.net/channel/view/zind-13