WorldWar2Boy wrote:Haha, thanks for your answer .
My father told me once that he was in a Yezidi area in Kurdistan (don't know where exactly, but he said it was like a holy place for the Yezidi). He was with a few friends, but most of the people who lived there were Yezidi Kurds. When he was there, he spit on the ground or dropped his sigaret and put it out or something and he told me that when he did that, almost all the Yezidi's around him got very angry etc. A friend of my father told him you're not supposed to that on their ground because it's a holy place or something. My father didn't know that and that's why the Yezidi Kurds didn't nothing more, but only warned him of nothing doing it again .
And my father has been a Peshmerga for 18 years, he fought the thoughest Ba'ath commando's, fought together with Mame Risha, became a high Peshmerga commander in the beginning of the 90's, is and was well respected etc. but he knew he was wrong and he was lucky they didn't do anything against him, since he wouldn't be able to resist at that place .
Is that true? Do some Yezidi's consider that as a insult or something?
I don't know. I was never in Lalish (according to many Yezidis it's the best place on earth) or in Kurdistan but I heard that people in Lalish (Yezidi holy place) walk even without shoos and with bare feet.
I'm glad to hear that your dad was a Peshmerga chief in command. Be proud of your dad, I would be very proud too! You have got very good and strong genes (DNA) in you.