lorin loristani wrote:Gelo divê mirov bêqezabît (بێ قهزابیت ) çawa wergerîne ser îngilîzî? Ez wê wek daxwazeke/duayekê fêm dikim, ango “May you be without mishap/accident/trouble” lê ji ber ku gotineke wisa di îngilîziyê de nayê gotin min got belkî wergereke din çêtir be.
Welcome to RBK Heval Lorin
بێ قهزابیت or بێ قهزا is actually a mild cursing word in both Kurmance and Sorani .
کوره بێ قهزابیت وانییه
ئێ بێ قهزا بیت! با نهختێك ئوتووت بكردایه! خۆ دنیا خراپ نهئهبوو
The origin of the word is Arabic
القضاء which refers to judicature, judgment, decision,
So in a sense when someone is called بێ قهزابیت or بێ قهزا they are actually being called Stupid mildly or a someone who lack proper judgement or decision making .
The example you gave will be traslated as " it is better to be stupid "
, I'm sure it is not what you were expecting , but it is certainly more interesting .