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kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:53 pm
Author: lorin loristani
Silav ji we re.
Tiştê ku ez dixwazim bizanibim li ser devoka kurmancî ya kurdên êzîdî yên ku li Ermenîstanê dijîn e. Cudahiyên kurmanciya wan û kurmanciya deverên din ên bakurê kurdistanê çi ne? Ji aliyê telaffuzê ve ferq heye? Zimanê rûsî bandorê li kurmanciya wan kiriye?
Spas dikim.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:55 pm
Author: Barış
Welcome to RBK! :)

Silav!Tu Çawanî?

I don't speak Kurmancî fluently, but I assume you're basically saying your an Êzîdî Kurd from Armenia? And something about Wan in north Kurdistan... I actualy don't quite understand your questions... :(

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:03 am
Author: Quaere Verum
lorin loristani wrote:Silav ji we re.
Tiştê ku ez dixwazim bizanibim li ser devoka kurmancî ya kurdên êzîdî yên ku li Ermenîstanê dijîn e. Cudahiyên kurmanciya wan û kurmanciya deverên din ên bakurê kurdistanê çi ne? Ji aliyê telaffuzê ve ferq heye? Zimanê rûsî bandorê li kurmanciya wan kiriye?
Spas dikim.

Pate ú silav jhi te re jhí brayé miné héjha

Kurdén Ézidí yén Ermenistané bi xwe jhi Behdínan ú Botan hatine Ermenitsnaé, heger ez shash nebim. Wesa ye ku devoka wan dévé pirr nézdí Kurdíya Behdínaní be. Jhi alíyé réxwend (teleffuz) ferq di nav Kurdíya Ézidí ú devokén din yén Kurmanjí tune. Jhi zimanén Rusí ú Ermení tené wisheyén tekníkí (télévízyor, hwd.) an jhi hendek nav wekí "Hayastan" jhibo "Ermenistan" ketine ser Kurdíya Ézidí.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:11 pm
Author: lorin loristani
Spas dikim. Min li filmek temaşe kir ku tê de çend kurdên ermenîstanê diaxivin. Bilêvkirina wan a çend peyvan bala min kişand (mînak: ji bo jinetî dibêjin jinata; ji bo saye, sêva) Çend peyv jî hebûn ku min fêm nedikirin (minak: kirpet). Min got belkî cudahî di nav devokan de gelek in, lê dibe ku min jî film baş fem nekiribe.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:36 pm
Author: Quaere Verum
lorin loristani wrote:Spas dikim. Min li filmek temaşe kir ku tê de çend kurdên ermenîstanê diaxivin. Bilêvkirina wan a çend peyvan bala min kişand (mînak: ji bo jinetî dibêjin jinata; ji bo saye, sêva) Çend peyv jî hebûn ku min fêm nedikirin (minak: kirpet). Min got belkî cudahî di nav devokan de gelek in, lê dibe ku min jî film baş fem nekiribe.

Ser cavan bra. Jhibo pashbend "-étí" min "-atí" jhi bihístibú: "jhinétí" ~ "jhinatí", lébelé "-ata" tishtekí nú ye. Dirúst e hendek jíyawazí hene lébelé kém in. Kurmanjíya Qerejhdaxé, jhibo nimúne, ligel Kurmanjíyén din gelekí jíyawazí dike "rawirtin" ~ "rabirtin", "agur" ~ "ajur", "vezín" ~ "bezín", ú hwd. Yek hevala me jhe Ermenistané di vir de bu, Nazelia, ew dikare cétir aríkarí bide.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:56 am
Author: Barış
Why did ya ignore my question? I'm curious, is it because I'm not a Kurd? :lol:

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:26 am
Author: Quaere Verum
Barış wrote:Why did ya ignore my question? I'm curious, is it because I'm not a Kurd? :lol:

Thanks be to God I am not that much narrow-minded to ignore people because of their ethnicity or any thing like that :) . But sorry I do not notice any specific question of yours in your last post under this topic. Maybe you are addressing "lorin_loristani". Anyways if you are curious to know what that fellow partner was asking, here you are:

"Greetings to you

Something that I would like to know is about the dialect of Izedí Kurds living in Armenia. What are the differences between their Kurmanjí and those of the other areas of Northern Kurdistan? Is there any difference regarding to pronunciation? Has Russian language impacted their Kurmanjí?


Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:07 pm
Author: Barış
Kak Quaere Verum, didn't mean to confuse ya. My questions are to lorin_loristani.

Zor spas for the translation. That's what I wanted to know... :)
I need to realy improve my Kurmancî! Well, at least I understood a few words anyway.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:49 am
Author: Quaere Verum
Barış wrote:Kak Quaere Verum, didn't mean to confuse ya. My questions are to lorin_loristani.

Zor spas for the translation. That's what I wanted to know... :)
I need to realy improve my Kurmancî! Well, at least I understood a few words anyway.

Yes I guessed so but since you had not quoted any one then I got somehow confused and did not risk not to response, but it is ok brother.

You're welcome Kak Baris. You can polish up your Kurmanji for sure since I just did it on my own initiative however speaking a Soraní subdialect as mother tongue had paved my way. :wink: Along with available online sources you can count on our help too. :)

BTW I would like to remark a little note. "Kurmanjíya wan" means "their Kurmanjí" or "onlarin Kurmancisi" in Turkish (if I am not mistaken) but it is "Kurmanjíya Wan" which means "Kurmanjí of Van" or Turkish "Van Kurmancisi". I put Turkish examples because I think you are Turkish, am I right bro?

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:53 am
Author: Barış
Okey, I'm actualy Tuvan/Mongol, so I'm Türkic, but not a Türk though. ;)
I'll admit I'm realy curios, how do ya know those definitions of phrases in Türkçe? I lived in İstanbul for over a year with my flatmate Alp, so I understand it...

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:48 pm
Author: Quaere Verum
Barış wrote:Okey, I'm actualy Tuvan/Mongol, so I'm Türkic, but not a Türk though. ;)
I'll admit I'm realy curios, how do ya know those definitions of phrases in Türkçe? I lived in İstanbul for over a year with my flatmate Alp, so I understand it...

I see. I am really surprised. :) I had not bumped into a Siberian person before nor I had heard of "Tuvan" people. I googled it, you are ethnically a transitional group between Turkic and Mongolian nonetheless your language is obviously a Turkic one.

Well I can speak Azerbaijani Turkish, therefore I understand Ottoman Turkish (official language of Turkey) in an advanced level. Turkic languages usually differ a little and speakers of one could easily learn the other ones on their own.

By the way what is your profession? As I have got Tuvan people are mostly Buddhist with a significant trace of Shamanism in their rituals (am I wrong?). I am really hunger for information on Siberian peoples. :) To me it is a land of mysteries. Also are you born there, in Siberia?

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:05 pm
Author: lorin loristani
Barış wrote:Why did ya ignore my question? I'm curious, is it because I'm not a Kurd? :lol:

Li min bibore birayê min Bariş. I didn’t mean to ignore your questions. I didn’t realize they were serious questions. Then I didn’t login to the forum for a few days. I can see you’ve had an interesting discussion though. The ethnic discussions are fascinating, especially when they overlap with language. But I would never ignore someone based on their ethnicity or language. To do that would be to sin against God the Creator.

So to answer your question, I’m not a Kurd in Armenia. I’m an American who studied Turkish and Kurmanji in Turkey for a few years and then I returned to the US, where I’ve worked on Kurmanji and Sorani. My company does language research and I’m currently working on some dialect questions.

Regarding that,
Quaere Verum wrote:Ser cavan bra. Jhibo pashbend "-étí" min "-atí" jhi bihístibú: "jhinétí" ~ "jhinatí", lébelé "-ata" tishtekí nú ye. Dirúst e hendek jíyawazí hene lébelé kém in. Kurmanjíya Qerejhdaxé, jhibo nimúne, ligel Kurmanjíyén din gelekí jíyawazí dike "rawirtin" ~ "rabirtin", "agur" ~ "ajur", "vezín" ~ "bezín", ú hwd. Yek hevala me jhe Ermenistané di vir de bu, Nazelia, ew dikare cétir aríkarí bide.

Kak Quaere Verum, spas dikim ji bo agahiyên ku te dan. Bi rastî bala min dikişîne. Ku tu bixwazî, ji kerema xwe re zedêtir li ser devoka xwe ya soranî ji min re bibêje.
Silav û rêz ji bo we birayên min…

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:30 pm
Author: Quaere Verum
lorin loristani wrote:Kak Quaere Verum, spas dikim ji bo agahiyên ku te dan. Bi rastî bala min dikişîne. Ku tu bixwazî, ji kerema xwe re zedêtir li ser devoka xwe ya soranî ji min re bibêje.
Silav û rêz ji bo we birayên min…

Ser cavan brayé mine héjha. Zarawaya mina dayikí jhérzarawayeké Soraní ye ku wekí "Erdellaní" tét bi nav kirin. Kurd li bajharé Sine ú gundén derdoré wí bi wé zarawayé daxivin. Hendek judahíyén Erdellaní ligel zarawayén din yén Sorani hene:

Erdellaní : Soraníyén din : Kurmanjí

ziwan : ziman : ziman / ezman

e- : e- / de- : di-

wín- : bín- : bín-

ewínim : debínim : dibínim

wéjh- : lé- : béjh-

biwéjhe : bile : béjhe

Her weha li Soraní de ízafeyé me heye ku bi "í" tét níshan kirin ú jhibo nér ú mé ferq níke (bawkí min ~ babé min; dayikí min ~ dayika min). Lébelé li Erdellaní de ízafe cune: bawk min, dayk min. Tené demek ú peyvekí dengdar pashdar be ízafe tét bi kar anín: bira > biray min. Heger pirsén te hene, ez bi hez ú evín ve bersive bidim birayé miné héjha. :)

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:31 am
Author: Barış
@ lorin loristani:

Glad ya think that way. Sorry for the misunderstanding. :D

@ Quaere Verum:

Yea, I am and you're right it's Türkic. :)

I find it somewhat strange that you mentioned ya can speak ''Azerbaijani Turkish'' on the Azeri National Salvation Day. :P
I only know that since my Fiancée is an Azeri Türk, btw.

Presently I'm doing 'Computer Maintenance'..., but I'm uncertain in what I want to do in the future at the moment. I'm only in my mid 20s, so there's still time to decide, imo...

No, my mother was born in Kyzyl, Tuva and my father in Ulaanbaatar, MN. My mother believes in the spirits in nature and also elsewhere... She's realy into the Shamanism, and my father is more Agnostic like I am though. I was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar, MN.

Re: kurden ermenistane

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:19 pm
Author: Quaere Verum
Barış wrote:Yea, I am and you're right it's Türkic. :)

I find it somewhat strange that you mentioned ya can speak ''Azerbaijani Turkish'' on the Azeri National Salvation Day. :P
I only know that since my Fiancée is an Azeri Türk, btw.

Presently I'm doing 'Computer Maintenance'..., but I'm uncertain in what I want to do in the future at the moment. I'm only in my mid 20s, so there's still time to decide, imo...

No, my mother was born in Kyzyl, Tuva and my father in Ulaanbaatar, MN. My mother believes in the spirits in nature and also elsewhere... She's realy into the Shamanism, and my father is more Agnostic like I am though. I was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar, MN.

lol, I had no idea it was a national Azeri day. Anyways my Azerbaijani Turkish skill is due to living amongst Iranian Azerbaijanis for some 10 years. Otherwise it would be definitely a demanding work to learn any Turkic language on one's own. Turkic languages sound really hard to Indo-European speakers to be learnt. Anyways I think I was lucky in this case. :wink: I see so you belong to the Mongolian part of Tuvan settlements.

Yes people at your age are supposed to be young and full of creative plans to make a prosperous future. 8)

I see, is there still anything related to Tengerism within Tuvan Shamanism? And I am curious to know what do you call "God" in your language? It should be something like "Tunger" or "Tenger" I presume? By the way Tuvan sources, like other Siberian and Russian minorities languages, are written in a Cyrillic alphabet which is indeed my nemesis. :(