xoşiko birayani berrez , emşew dirêjitirîn şewi salle .
ême le kurdistani rojhelate bem şewe dellin "şewi çelle" yan "şewi zistan"
dear sis and bras, tonight is the longest night of the year .
in eastern kurdistan we call this night "night of 40" or "night of winter"
lem şeweda kurdan cejin saz deken , resme debê hemû kes biçête lay daye gewre ya bawa gewra .
in this night Kurds make celebration , it is a custom [tradition] that everybody must go to grandmo/pa house .
em cijna cejiniki aryyaee kone , mamostay zimani farsi min eyjet , be baweri aryayekan , lem şewa xoretaw dorost buwa .
this is an ancien Aryan celebration , my persan language professor said , aryans belive that in this night , sun was created .
tikaye pêm bellên aya , le kurdistani başur, bakur, xorawa , aya em cejina saz dekret ya na ?
please tell me if in souther, northern, western kurdistan this celebration is also held or not ?
cejini zistan le hamootan pîroz bêt
happy winter night celebration to everybody.