it is ok for those who are "New Learner" to use English (alognside with Kurdish) but , as this room is just been made for Practicing Kurdish , please try avoid using English as much as possible and use Kurdish as much as possible.
for a better conversation we recommend , using the Standard Latin Kurdish Script . (you can use Arabic Script as well but more peopel undrestand Latin)
you can download Kurdish Latin Keyboard from Kurd It Group ( )
and installl it on your Windows so you can type Kurdish Letters.
if you dont have it , you can use , or ' to type it like S, or C' or L'
This is the Kurdish Latin Script:
With English sounds:
A a - "Far" Kurdish words: Azad, Azar, Al, Aram, Agir
B b - "Bed" Kurdish words: Baran, Ba, Bizin, Beran, Bilûl
C c - "Joy" Kurdish words: Cahêl, Cemid, Cehîz, Ceza
Ch ch - "Chat" Kurdish words: Chaw/Chay, Chetal, Chîlo, Char
D d - "Dear" Kurdish words: Dar, Didan, Dest, Deng, Delal
E e - "Actually" Kurdish words: Evîn, Ezman, Ez, Erd, Emanet, Edalet
Ê ê - "Key" Kurdish words: Êzdî, Êvar, Êleg, Êywan
F f - "Faith" Kurdish words: Firawîn, Fele, Fikir, Fîstan, Fanos
G g - "Game" Kurdish words: Gerden, Gede, Gûz, Gore, Gor
H h - "Have" Kurdish words: Havîn, Hizar, Hêsan, Hesp, Hêvî
I i - "Earth" Kurdish words: Itomobîl, Ilim, Ihtiram
Î î - "English" Kurdish words: Îtir, Îskan, Îman, Îdolojî
J j - "Casual" Kurdish words: Jin, Jiyan, Jehîr, Jiwjî, Jîr
K k - "Keep" Kurdish words: Kar, Keman, Kilît, Kîf, Kiras, Kemer, Kil
L l - "Late" Kurdish words: Lazim, Lihêf, Lîwan, Lo, Lê, Lêkolîn
LL ll - "Tall" in Kurdish it is found in words such as: "Tall" (BITTER) "Gellek" (MUCH) "All" (FLAG)
M m - "Man" Kurdish words: Mêrd, Merd, Mase, Mêtir, Mêwan, Mîr
N n - "Night" Kurdish words: Nav, Nan, Navîn, Nerm, Nîmet, Nezer
O o - "Order" Kurdish words: Ode, Ol
P p - "Party" Kurdish words: Pê, Perde, Pol, Payîz, Pêlaw, Pîraz
Q q - THEY DON'T HAVE THIS SOUND IN ENGLISH Laughing It is like when we say "Qaz"(DUCK) "Qotî" (BOX) "Qelem"(PENSEL) "Qanûn" (LAW) (Arabic word Wink ) etc.... Go figure! Kurdish words: Qedir, Qaz, Qetir, Qîrîn, Qîmet
R r - "Rare" Kurdish words: Raz, Rê, Roj, Reng, Rast, Rênas
S s - "Save" Kurdish words: Silaw, Sêv, Saz, Sivik, Sed, Soz,
SH sh - "Share" Kurdish words: Shah, Sher, Shêt, Shert, Shoxî,
T t - "Take" Kurdish words: Tirane, Temîz, Taze, To, Tawa
U u - "Turn" Kurdish words: Utî, Ushî
Û û - "Two" Kurdish words: Û , Sûtî, Nûr, Nûche
V v - "Veteran" Kurdish words: Vetan, Vezîr, Vê, Vazo
W w - "War" Kurdish words: Welat, Weto, Wîlo, Were, Wergirtin
X x - THEY DON'T HAVE THIS SOUND IN ENGLISH - However they spell it "KH" - Kurdish words: Xuda/Xua, Xatir, Xizmet, Xewn, Xendan, Xelet
Y y - "Yard" Kurdish words: Yar, Yarmetî, Yêk, Yahûd, Yên
Z z - "Zebra" - "Zebarî" Kurdish words: Zarok, Ziwistan, Zer, Zêr, Zeng, Zalim, Zilim, Zîndan, Zehmet, Zor
(By Diri and a bit by Heval)
About that "i" letter in Latin Kurdish Script
(By Heval)I don't know if your familiar with the Kurdish Arabic alphabet (the non-Latin one), but there is no "i" letter in the alphabet and I think that is one of the reasons Soranî speakers tend to omit it when they write in Kurdî Latin.
So people will need to get used to that "i" letter, like when they spell for example, giran (heavy/costly) not to spell it as gran like you mentioned.
for Example when you write "Ziman" in Latin Kurdish it is pronouced like "Zman" that "i" letter wont be Read , it is just something to decorate the word
(by Dyaoko)
Please pay attention to the the diffrence of E and Ê
E e - "Actually" Kurdish words: Evîn, Ezman, Ez, Erd, Emanet, Edalet
Ê ê - "Key" Kurdish words: Êzdî, Êvar, Êleg, Êywan
for example when you write "Ez" it is pronouced like "As" in English
(please dont hesiste to add your note to this Guideline)