The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has abandoned its positions on Qarachugh mountain in the district of Makhmur after recent recurrent airstrikes targeting a camp there, according to a source
On Thursday evening, the PKK left its positions on Qarachugh mountain, and handed them over to the Iraqi army, Kurdistan 24 reported today.
- This move by the PKK comes after the UN had recently complained to the federal government of Iraq, and warned that it will stop its humanitarian assistance to the residents of Makhmur camp unless the PKK leaves areas surrounding the camp
Camp Makhmur is located on the outskirts of the city of Erbil. It is home to thousands of family members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and has been the target of multiple Turkish airstrikes in recent years due to the presence of PKK outposts in surrounding areas.
Over the span of the last four decades, Turkey and the PKK have been locked in a long-standing armed conflict, which has had far-reaching implications for the Kurdistan Region.
- The presence of the PKK in the Region has caused a substantial number of civilian casualties, and forced the displacement of thousands of villagers, and the abandonment of numerous mountain resorts and valuable agricultural lands
Now we need the PKK to completely leave Southern Kurdistan and STOP making innocent Kurds, farms, villages and resorts targets for Turkish bombs
We need the PKK to leave Yazidi lands, where they have also made innocent locals targets for Turkish bombs, the Yazidis have suffered enough