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Spirit of Newroz must rule and Lausanne must be broken

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Spirit of Newroz must rule and Lausanne must be broken

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:05 am

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We will call for freedom of Kurdistan

The 2023 Newroz will be held this year with the slogan "Her der Newroz her der Azadi" and "We will get free with the fire of Newroz"

This year's Newroz events will be dedicated to the victims of the two Maraş-centered earthquakes on 6 February.

Celebrations are planned to be held in 43 cities. However, Newroz fires will be lit in all provinces, districts, towns and villages.

The first Newroz fire will be lit in Şemdinli (Şemzînan), in the province of Hakkari (Colemêrg) on 15 March.

    Events will be held on 16 March to mark the anniversary of the Halabja Massacre
Since 17 March is the 40th day after the earthquake, no events will be held.

The main Newroz celebration will be held in Amed on 21 March.

The city-by-city Newroz calendar is as follows:

18 March

Colemêrg (Hakkari), Xarpêt-Dep (Elazığ-Karakoçan), Agirî-Panos (Ağrı-Patnos), Mûş-Kop (Muş-Bulanik), Aydın-Germencik.

19 March

Istanbul, Wan (Van), Mêrdîn-Qoser (Mardin-Kızıltepe), Colemêrg-Gever (Hakkari- Yüksekova), Dersim, Çewlig (Bingöl), Êlih (Batman), Sêrt (Siirt), Îdir (Iğdır), Muş, Ankara, Mersin, Antalya, İzmir, Aydın, Muğla, Denizli, Manisa, Bursa, Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, Kocaeli-Gebze, Agirî-Bazîd (Doğubayazıt), Bedlis-Tetwan (Bitlis-Tatvan), Sakarya-Arifiye.

20 March

Qers (Kars), Agirî (Ağrı), Erdexan (Ardahan), Mêrdîn-Nisêbîn (Mardin-Nusaybin), Erzirom-Qereyazî (Erzurum-Karayazı).

21 March

Amed, Sirnex-Cizîr (Şırnak-Cizre), Riha-Weranşar (Urfa-Viranşehir), Çanakkale.
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Spirit of Newroz must rule and Lausanne must be broken



Re: Newroz celebration will be turned into a freedom march

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:02 am

Sozdar Avesta: Newroz = uprising and rebirth

On the occasion of the upcoming Newroz Resistance Festival, a video message was released by Sozdar Avesta from the KCK (Community of Kurdistan Societies). At the beginning of her message, the representative of the Kurdish freedom movement recalled the martyrs of March, in particular Mazlum Doğan, Mahsum Korkmaz (Egîd), Zekiye Alkan, Rahşan Demirel, Ronahî and Bêrîvan, Sema Yüce and Fikri Baygeldi

Avesta said: “The massacres in Halabja, Qamishlo, Gazi and the occupation of Afrin in March 2018 were committed by fascist regimes hostile to Kurdistan. I condemn these massacres and honor their victims. We have passed 8 March and are now approaching the Newroz festival. Women all over the world and especially in Bakurê Kurdistanê [Northern Kurdistan] could not celebrate 8 March in the same way as in previous years because of the earthquake.”

"With the slogan Jin-Jiyan-Azadî to the women's revolution"

Avesta said: “With great anger and a spirit of defiance, the women demanded accountability from the patriarchal, fascist government responsible for the catastrophic consequences of the earthquake. I salute the women around the world, in Kurdistan and the Middle East who have participated in these great actions.

We will mark Newroz with the colors of freedom and the voices of women calling for freedom. We are marching towards the women's revolution under the slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî' and will celebrate Newroz with the demands for women's liberation.

This 8 March showed once again that women are the core and the most important force for the liberation of society. Despite all the attacks, their insistence on freedom has shown their determination to fight together and their will. This is very important and significant. Women have shown that no force can stop them on their way to freedom. They combine their democratic and conscious attitude with the philosophy of 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî'. This is how we will light the fire of Newroz.

    2,635 years since first Newroz festival
Newroz is the birth of a new life

Newroz is the holiday of the resistant people. Newroz is resurrection. Newroz is new life. Newroz is the glad tidings of the arrival of spring. Newroz is an uprising against the oppressors. It is the day of the great reckoning.

Thousands of people are still under the rubble

Avesta added: “We, the freedom movement, the Kurdish people as a whole, welcome the Newroz Festival 2023 with great determination. We will celebrate Newroz this year differently than in previous years. Because today thousands of our people are still lying under the rubble caused by the earthquake.

The number of people who lost their lives is still not fully known. The number of victims is much higher than previously claimed. I would like to take this opportunity to express that I share the pain of all families. Our people are resistant people. In particular, Maraş, Semsûr (Adiyaman), Meletî (Malatya) and Dîlok (Antep) are resistance areas of the freedom movement.

People like Kemal Pir in Maraş and Haki Karer in Dîlok made great achievements there. These comrades were pioneers of the freedom struggle and spread the idea of freedom for Kurdistan and Turkey. The enemy wants to change the demographics of these regions by driving people out. On this occasion, I call on our people not to leave their country. No matter how harsh the living conditions, stay on your land and resist.

The enemy is attacking more than ever

As a freedom movement in Kurdistan, in the spirit of our humanitarian, ethical and moral responsibility, we decided in the first few days after the earthquake to stop our actions and not to become active in the metropolises. However, the fascist enemy, dictator Erdoğan and Bahçeli continue their attacks uninterruptedly.

More than ever, they are attacking the freedom guerrillas as well as northern and eastern Syria, southern Kurdistanl. The Freedom Guerrillas are in a defense position. Murders are committed daily by the Turkish state Our people should understand clearly that these attacks are intended to break their will.

This Newroz festival is not characterized by music and celebrations as much as in previous years. Newroz means uprising and it is the day to take revenge on those responsible for the many massacres in history.

This year was to be the year of victory over fascism and destruction of the oppressor's palace in Bakurê Kurdistanê and Turkey. The implementation of democratic autonomy in Bakur and Rojhilatê Kurdistanê and the establishment of a democratic nation means, by resolving the existing contradictions, guaranteeing the freedom revolution.

In Southern Kurdistan, Newroz should be celebrated in the spirit of national unity and resistance to colonialist attacks; Southern Kurdistan must free itself from the colonialists. For six months, a social revolution has been taking place in Rojhilatê Kurdistanê under the leadership of women with the slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî'.

This year's Newroz should be crowned by a democratic struggle waged by women in a spirit of revenge for those who have fallen over the past six months. The centenary of Lausanne also falls in this strategic period. The massacres against the people of Kurdistan must stop and Kurdistan must be given a status. The Kurdish people can no longer live without status, identity and home. Rêber Apo's fight for 50 years has turned into a breathless marathon.

The end of Lausanne is no longer a dream

The will that produced people like Mazlum, Egîd, Bêrîtan and Zîlan and the great women's revolution must be crowned with this conclusion. This year's Newroz is therefore important and has many special features. It is the task of all of us to increase this fight.

We, the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, are determined to do so. Our agenda is clear. It is no longer a dream to overthrow the centuries-old system, the Lausanne Treaty and fascism.

We are convinced that with this awareness, attitude and determination, with the great hope of Newroz, our people at home and abroad will continue to fight uninterruptedly and unprecedentedly. It's time to thwart all kinds of attacks. It's time to support the freedom fighters. It is time to realize national unity based on the development of a democratic nation, the rights of the Kurdish people's freedom.

The struggle against capitalist modernity is only possible through the development of democratic modernity and the democratic nation under the leadership of women. In this way, women's freedom forms the basis of all freedoms. The stubborn refusal of the rulers to prevent the solution of the question of women's freedom is the main problem today. Fighting against it can lead to a great victory.

e want to welcome the arrival of Newroz, the spring of Kurdistan's freedom, 'Jin, Jiyan, azadî', 'Bijî Newroz'.”
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Re: Newroz celebration will be turned into a freedom march

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:37 pm

Happy Newroz 2723 to the peoples of Kurdistan


“We commemorate all Newroz martyrs with respect and gratitude in the persons of Mazlum Doğan, Zekiye Alkan, Rahşan Demirel, Ronahî, Bêrîvan and Sema Yüce who defeated the brutal policies of fascism by building the fire of Newroz with their bodies.

We welcome this year’s Newroz celebrations with great enthusiasm and morale created by the achievements of the struggle. We will meet the 2723 Newroz based on increasing the resistance and struggle, also considering the suffering of our people who have experienced major destruction caused by earthquakes

Together with our people and allies, we will light the fire of resistance in the spirit of Newroz, while we will heal the wounds of the earthquake survivors through social solidarity and we will carry out the election campaign in the spirit of mobilization.


The upcoming elections will offer a great opportunity to overthrow the AKP-MHP fascism. The overthrow of the AKP-MHP government will be a very important step in defeating the hundred-year-old racist tradition of the Committee of Union and Progress [Ittihad ve Terakki, the driving force behind the Armenian genocide]. This monist tradition poses the biggest obstacle to a solution to the Kurdish question in all parts of Kurdistan and to the democratic future of the region’s people.

In this sense, we should participate in the Newroz celebrations by considering the importance of the elections to be held on May 14 and mobilize all our friends accordingly. We sincerely congratulate all our people and friends on Newroz and wish them good luck.
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Re: Newroz celebration Finsbury Park London 19 March

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:22 pm

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I will to solve all problems

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday hosted diplomats and representatives of international organizations at Mount Korek in Erbil province

PM Barzani delivered a brief speech welcoming the diplomatic community and other officials for attending the Newroz celebration.

    “Newroz is about shining a light over darkness. It’s a victory of a blacksmith over a tyrant,” Barzani said and noted “it’s about the liberation of an oppressed nation. Newroz is about a fresh start, a new year.”
Regarding Erbil-Baghdad relations, the Premier explained that “after several meetings,” there is progress in reaching an initial agreement with the Iraqi Federal government.

“In my latest meeting with the [Iraqi] Prime Minister, we have agreed to turn the problems and differences into opportunities to solve many of the outstanding issues.” He said he was optimistic that a plan to coordinate and move forward on the budge. hydrocarbon law, security, and many other sectors is possible.

Concerning the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) team who boycotted the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Council of Ministers, Barzani announced that “in two days we will have the change of the new year and I will have a statement. In my statement, I will ask the deputy prime minister and the PUK team to come back to the Council of Ministers and use that chamber as a place to solve problems.”

“We can solve any problem if we have the will and the intention, and I can tell you that I certainly have that intention and I have the will to solve all problems,” he also confirmed.

The Kurdish people mark numerous activities during the month of March, including the commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the popular Uprising against the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, the chemical attack of Halabja as well as the birthday and death of the late General Mustafa Barzani. ... PM-Barzani
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Re: Should be dry for Finsbury Park Newroz celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:30 pm

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Erbil clean-up campaign

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Volunteers and officials from the Kurdistan Region’s Erbil province on Saturday morning launched a clean-up campaign in areas frequented by picnickers, ahead of the Nowroz holiday

Volunteers collected tons of trash left behind by picnickers along Dilopa and Kasnazan Heights, two popular picnic areas in the eastern Erbil province, under the “Do not throw away” campaign.

Erbil Governor Omer Khoshnaw urged citizens to avoid littering in picnic areas and to cooperate with municipality workers to keep the sites clean.

To mark Newroz and other national events on the Kurdish calendar, the city is holding a nine-day long festival, part of which is cleaning up picnic sites.

With the arrival of the Spring season, thousands across the Kurdistan Region visit the countryside to picnic, particularly during Newroz—the Kurdish New Year celebrated on March 21.

As a result of heavy picnicking, hundreds of tons of trash are left behind in these areas.

To celebrate the national holiday, members of the diplomatic community from over 80 countries have arrived in the Kurdistan Region capital, at the invitation of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani.

The premier will host a dinner reception at Mount Korek on Saturday evening for the diplomatic community. ... picnicking
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Re: Should be dry for Finsbury Park Newroz celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:44 am

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Newroz fires in Kurdish mountains

Kurds celebrate Newroz across Kurdistan and beyond.

Freedom Fighters in Rojhilat Kurdistani (East Kurdistan) lit the first fire to mark Newroz.

“Newroz pîroz be” (Happy Newroz), 2073 will be the year of Kurdish unity and freedom.

Newroz is the Kurdish New Year on 21 March. On this day, Kurds all over the world celebrate the beginning of a new year. Newroz means "the new day". It arose from the spirit of resistance of the Kurdish people and developed over the years into a celebration of political resistance against oppression and despotism. It also represents the end of winter and welcomes spring.

As a festival of rebirth, it first gained importance among the Kurdish people and was later adopted by other Iranian peoples. Kurds, Afghans, Persians, Baluchis and Tajiks celebrate this festival today, and they have all added their own national customs to it.

The Newroz festival is probably the oldest Kurdish festival.
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Re: Should be dry for Finsbury Park Newroz celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:44 pm

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Newroz in Batman

The Kurdish New Year, Newroz on 21 March, was celebrated today in 23 cities across Turkey and North Kurdistan under the motto “Her der Newroz, her dem azadî” (Everywhere Newroz, Every Moment Freedom) and “To Freedom with Newroz Fire”.

Newroz this year pays tribute to the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives in the two earthquakes that hit Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria on 6 February while at the same time reiterating the demand for freedom of Kurdistan.

The Newroz celebrations this year are organised by the DTK (Democratic Society Congress), HDK (Peoples’ Democratic Congress), TJA (Free Women’s Movement), DBP (Democratic Regions Party), HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) and the Green Left Party.

In the Kurdish province of Batman, thousands took to the streets to celebrate Newroz, chanting the slogans sık “Bijî serok Apo” (Long Live Öcalan).

The celebration began with a minute of silence, after which Newroz Organizing Committee Co-Spokesperson Hüseyin Sarik spoke about the importance of Newroz for the Kurdish people.

Speaking after, HDP Women’s Assembly Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran pointed to the ongoing problems 42 days after the devastating earthquakes that struck 11 cities in northern Kurdistan and southern Turkey, killing tens of thousands and leaving millions homeless.

“This is the day to hold the government accountable. Countless people died but not a single official has resigned. No state official was arrested or gave an account, which is why we will call those responsible to account here today. Those who did not resign will have to flee. They will give an account of what happened,” said Başaran and continued:

“The government, which is trying hard to maintain its power through trustees, detentions, arrests and massacres, portrays deaths as a result of a natural disaster and evades responsibility. This Newroz will be the end of the destruction caused by the fascist system. I salute all those who filled this area today, and commemorate the victims of the earthquake. This year’s Newroz will be the Newroz of freedom.”

Speaking after, HDP MP Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki wished a happy Newroz to all women who made “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” a slogan of resistance all around the world. “They have been trying to hedge against the fire of Newroz on these lands for three thousand years, but the Newroz fire has grown bigger every year.

Denying the existence of the Kurds, they tried to appropriate Newroz. They carried out countless attacks to drain Newroz of its essence. Yet, the people responded to all attacks and took to the streets in millions.”

Tiryaki added: “We will bring those who respond to peace with war to account. The last word will be spoken by those resisting. It is time to speak this word and send this government away. Happy Newroz to all of you.”

Speeches were followed by musical performances by Nuray Balık and Avazên Azad. ... nabe-66131
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Re: I Hope Everyone is Enjoying Newroz Celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:45 pm

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Release Kurdish politicians

Joint Leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Bafel Talabani on Tuesday called on neighboring countries to release imprisoned Kurdish politicians, during an event marking the arrival of the Kurdish New Year, Newroz, in Turkey’s Kurdish province of Diyarbakir (Amed)

Tens of thousands of Kurds gathered in Diyarbakir’s Newroz Park to celebrate the annual Kurdish occasion, chanting slogans of "towards freedom with the Newroz fire."

“I call on all the countries around us to release our politicians. Release all our leaders. Allow people to visit them, and allow doctors and lawyers to meet with them,” said Talabani in a video statement played during the event.

Talabani said he hopes the arrival of the New Year brings an end to the ongoing disagreements between Kurdish political parties, urging all sides to unite their efforts and “prioritize the interests of our people ahead of their own interests.”

This year’s Newroz in Diyarbakir was dedicated to the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and neighboring Syria in February, killing over 57,000 people. The PUK joint leader renewed his condolences to the families of the victims.

Kurds celebrate Newroz on March 21-23, with the occasion symbolizing a day of resistance and freedom from tyranny. The celebrations typically involve picnicking in the countryside and lighting bonfires.

Selahattin Demirtas, former co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), has been imprisoned by Turkish authorities since November 2016 for alleged links to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) - armed group struggling for the increased rights of Kurds in Turkey. He faces up to 142 years in jail on terror charges.

Ankara has listed the PKK a terrorist organization, and many Turkish officials accuse the HDP of being the political wing of the group - a claim denied by the pro-Kurdish party.

Sadly Selahattin Demirtas, by openly supporting the PKK has caused problems for the entire HDP, many of whom may not be PKK supporters
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Re: I Hope Everyone is Enjoying Newroz Celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:09 pm

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Leaders urge unity during Newroz

Kurdistan’s president and prime minister on Monday urged Kurdistan to come together and unite in the face of intra-Kurdish disputes during their messages commemorating the Kurdish New Year

Kurds celebrate Newroz, the Kurdish New Year, on March 21-23, with the occasion symbolizing a day of resistance and freedom from tyranny. The celebrations typically involve picnicking in the countryside and lighting bonfires.

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani congratulated the nation on the occasion of Newroz, calling for authorities to renew efforts to resolve disputes.

“Let us make Newroz a new opportunity for cooperation and acceptance. So that we can overcome the problems and conflicts in Kurdistan and resolve the issues together with Baghdad with one voice and one position, through dialogue and on the basis of the constitution,” the president said in a televised speech.

President Barzani further reiterated Kurdistan is willing to resolve all issues and cooperate with the federal government on the basis of the constitution as well as “for supporting the work of government” in the country, adding that the cooperation between Erbil and Baghdad is “moving in the right direction.”

Speaking from a park in Erbil amid Newroz celebrations, Kurdistan's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani called on the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)’s ministerial team to return to cabinet meetings amid an ongoing row between the two leading Kurdish parties on a number of issues.

“I call on the PUK team to return to the cabinet meetings. I reiterate my calls here for them to return,” Prime Minister Barzani said, having sent a similar message earlier in the day asking deputy premier Qubad Talabani to return to the meetings.

“If we have a good will, we can resolve these issues,” the Region’s premier added.

The KDP and the PUK have been at loggerheads in recent months over the Region’s parliamentary elections, the transparency of the oil and local income of the provinces under their influence, and the assassination of a former PUK colonel in Erbil in October.

Despite working together in the KRG, the two parties have established control over different parts of the Region, often being referred to as the “Yellow Zone” and “Green Zone“. The KDP is dominant in Erbil and Duhok provinces, while the PUK rules Sulaimani and Halabja.

“We have made all efforts to resolve our issues with the dederal government and we have a strong will to resolve all the issues,” Prime Minister Barzani continued.

Tensions between Erbil and Baghdad have been high over the past months due to disagreements over the legality of the Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas law and the Region’s share of the federal budget.

After approving the budget law last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani stated that Erbil and Baghdad have reached an all-encompassing agreement to resolve outstanding issues, a statement highly welcomed by Kurdish leaders such as the Region’s prime minister, who on Tuesday said that Sudani’s “goodwill is recognized and important to restoring trust.”

In their Newroz messages, Kurdistan’s president and prime minister both urged locals celebrating and picnicking to respect the cleanliness and the beauty of the Region’s nature.
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Re: I Hope Everyone is Enjoying Newroz Celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:17 pm

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Torches, fireworks light up capital

Monday in Akre, known as the capital of Newroz, prepared to receive tourists and to light it up with torches at dusk

This year, around 2,500 torches were readied to be carried up a hill where a 50-meter flag of Kurdistan will be displayed, Aiyed Akrayi , one of the volunteers preparing the torches told Rudaw on Sunday.

"In 1996, we had just lit 21 torches. Now, we have increased the number to thousands not just for Akre, but the entire cities of the Kurdistan Region. For Akre city alone, we have readied [420] torches," Akrayi told Rudaw.

In Akre, it has become a tradition for visitors to climb up the town's hill with torches after dusk, creating a festive spirit with fireworks displays in the diverse town where Muslims, Christians, and other ethnicities and religious groups have coexisted for centuries.

In addition to torches, a significant amount of fireworks and a lighting system have been prepared by a special Turkish expert team to illuminate the skies of Akre for 30 minutes, Masoud Haji, one of the Akre Newroz festival organizers, told Rudaw.

"Between the two mountains - Kale and the Old Kale [situated inside Akre downtown] - a 50-meter-long flag designed to resemble a waterfall will be lowered from atop the mountain with fireworks being played on both sides of the flag," Haji added.

Kurds from all over the Kurdistan Region traditionally gather in the town of Akre as the ages-long tradition of lighting fires to welcome the New Year on the first day of spring will be commenced on Monday.

Hundreds of thousands of people from the Kurdistan Region, as well as Kurdish regions in Turkey, Iran, and Syria, will celebrate on the eve of Newroz on Monday, also symbolizing a day of freedom from tyranny and resistance.

The Akre tourism directorate estimates that 100,000 tourists are expected to flock to Akre to watch the fascinating views in the city's special Newroz festival celebrations.

Kurds celebrate Newroz on March 21-23 by picnicking in the countryside and lighting bonfires with their families and loved ones. The occasion is known as the Kurdish New Year.

Celebrations and festivities are held across Kurdistan with hundreds of thousands of Kurds dancing in their colorful and traditional Kurdish clothes.
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Re: I Hope Everyone is Enjoying Newroz Celebrations

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:35 pm

Lausanne alliance must be broken

The KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Chair Bayık sent a message to the Newroz celebration in the Qandil region of southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq)

Pointing to the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, Bayık emphasized that this agreement must be broken.

I commemorate our national leader Mazlum Doğan and Mahsum Korkmaz, as well as Zekiye, Rahşan, Berivan and all martyrs in the persons of comrades Raperin and Yaşar Botan, who were martyred recently.


We welcome Newroz this year with great sadness and pain due to the earthquake. I offer condolences to our people. Our pain is great. We, the PKK and Kurdish people, always use our pain as a force for resistance, organization and struggle.

Our people showed great support and helped the survivors. This is very valuable. Socialist and democratic people, young women friends made significant efforts in the aftermath of the earthquake. They shared all they had with the people. I believe that women and young people in particular will assume their role and leadership on Newroz.


Taking advantage of the recent earthquakes, the invading and genocidal Turkish state seeks to reintroduce the Eastern Reform plans in the affected regions. Everyone knows, sees and talks about it. Maybe our people migrated to other places for some reason.

The weather conditions are good now, so everyone should get back to their places. No one should leave their houses, villages and lands. Following the earthquake, we announced a humanitarian, moral and conscientious decision to mobilize everyone to help the survivors.

We said that we would cease our actions. Why? Because all the people took care of the earthquake survivors, they offered help to meet their needs. We wanted them to use all their energy for this. That's why we made this decision. It was a humane, moral and conscientious decision.

Some forces and parties had asked us to declare a ceasefire before. We made this decision at that time, but those who had asked us to do so did not embrace it. The Turkish state increased its attacks. These attacks still continue. The invading genocidal Turkish state invalidated our decision, our people need to know this fact.


As is known, elections will be held in Kurdistan and Turkey on May 14. This is not an ordinary election. It is an election that will shape the future of Turkey, leftist forces, freedom and democracy, and the Kurdish people.

Either fascism will dominate Turkey completely, which would lead to a disaster for the Middle East, or this election will pave the way for a democratic republic. Hence, AKP-MHP must be defeated in this election. In order for this to happen, all forces of freedom and democracy must make great efforts.

The Labour and Freedom Alliance is becoming the key to determining Turkey's future. The role of this alliance is crucial, everyone is talking about it. Therefore, the alliance must play its role effectively. Because everyone expects it.

The AKP-MHP will use all means available to remain in power and resume the Kurdish genocide. It will increase its attacks, repression and provocations until the elections. We must act against it. We will never take a step back. We will base on resistance.


We are about to mark the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne.

The Kurdish massacre has been carried out through this treaty so far. Now, our people must break this policy and alliance and pave the way for a free and dignified life for themselves. This should be accepted by everyone.

    Our people must express that they want to live freely on their own lands. We do not accept anything else. Everyone should recognize this. Let's remove the Lausanne alliance. This is what is required of us. We are in the final phase. Everyone should understand this and aim for victory
The freedom fighters are currently making history in the mountains of Kurdistan. They have not allowed the invading genocidal Turkish state to achieve its goals. They have defeated the Turkish state. It wasn't just the guerrillas who resisted it. Kurdish people and freedom fighters must unite against the occupation, frustrating their plans for the elimination and genocide of the Kurdish people.


The freedom fighters did not allow the genocidal Turkish state to completely occupy South Kurdistan, nor did it allow Turkey to realize its National Pact objective. Our people should enhance the resistance everywhere. Our people should turn the Newroz area into an area of resistance and victory.

Everyone would argue that nothing could be done under the most difficult conditions in Amed prison. However, a great victory was won under the leadership of Mazlum and Kemal. They dealt a major blow to the Turkish state.

We have come to these days thanks to that resistance and spirit. Both our movement and our people have resisted in this spirit and won great victories under all circumstances. Our people have never accepted a life without dignity, identity and status. They will never accept it. Everyone should understand this.

All betrayals against the Kurds must be condemned and opposed. The spirit of Newroz never accepts spying and betrayal. Spying and betrayal should not be accepted among the Kurds.


Long live the spirit of Newroz. Long live our fight for freedom and humanity.”
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Re: Spirit of Newroz must rule and Lausanne must be broken

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:54 am

Armed groups in Jindris

Thousands of Kurds have protested the recent death of four celebrants of the Kurdish New Year, Newroz, in Syria’s Jindris city, calling for the expulsion of Turkey-backed armed groups

Ankara-backed fighters of the Ahrar al-Sharqiya armed militia opened gunfire on a Kurdish family celebrating Newroz in Jindires on Monday, killing at least four people and wounding two others.

Thousands of Kurds have been gathering in front of the house of the victims in Jindris, calling for the international community to intervene.

“We call on the United Nations to enter Western Kurdistan. We do not want mercenaries. Viva Kurdistan,” said a protester loudly, addressing the protesters.

A number of Arab dignitaries have also attended the funeral of the deceased Kurds.

“Where have you been our Islamic councils and sheikhs in the last five years as our rights have been violated, olive trees have been cut, our houses have been destroyed? You did not even publish a statement,” said another Kurdish protesters, addressing the Arabs dignitaries.

“Armed groups have entered Afrin with their bloody hands. The hands of all groups are bloody. 280 people have been persecuted, 60 women are jailed by these groups and 21 children are being persecuted. Where are your Kurdish values? Afrin is not free but invaded by groups.”

    The same as the Yazidi homeland
Ahmed Hassan is a member of the Kurdish opposition group, Kurdish National Council (ENKS).

He told the crowd that the armed groups have to leave the populated areas.

“We call for the expulsion of armed groups from the Afrin region. The fighters should not be in cities and villages, but their camps and frontlines. We call for the release of all those people who have been arrested without a reason in the last five years,” he said.

The family of the dead has released a statement, calling for the punishment of the perpetrators and the transfer of the case to an international court.

Thousands of Kurds protested against the deadly incident in Paris. Ibrahim Muslim is a lawyer. He called on France to intervene in Afrin and other Kurdish areas in Syria.

There have been protests in front of the United Nations office in Erbil as well in the last two days.

"We spoke with the UN authorities and conveyed the message of the protesting people to them. They assured us that they will make our voice heard by the relevant authorities," Othman Menan, a member of the ENKS, told Rudaw on Wednesday.

"Rebel groups must leave Afrin and Turkey take their puppets away from these regions. Civilians are innocent people and they have no power to do anything," Emine Reshwelik, a protester, told Rudaw.

Fatima Abdulrahman, another protester, said "We are from Afrin and we are not cowards at all. We will not stop our demonstrations until our demands are met."

The protesters' key demands in Erbil were; a just trial of the perpetrators, the expulsion of rebel groups from Afrin, guaranteeing the return of civilians to Afrin, as well as the release of political prisoners.

YPG is the backbone of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The incident has also been condemned by the Kurdish administration in northeast Syria (Rojava) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

The so-called Syria National Army, the umbrella group of Turkey-backed groups, has announced the arrest of three alleged attackers.

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a statement on Wednesday that Ankara should stop supporting SNA-affiliated groups “implicated in recurrent or systemic human rights abuses and international humanitarian law violations.”

“As an occupying power and as a backer of the local factions operating in areas under its control in northern Syria, Turkey is obliged to investigate these killings and ensure that those responsible are held accountable,” added HRW.

“These killings come after over five years of unaddressed human rights abuses at the hands of Turkish forces and the local Syrian factions they empower,” said Adam Coogle, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Turkey has allowed these fighters to abuse people living in the areas under their control with impunity, risking making itself complicit in the violations.”
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Re: Spirit of Newroz must rule and Lausanne must be broken

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:38 pm

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Akre as capital of Newroz
Wladimir van Wilgenburg

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The governor of Duhok, Ali Tatar, has requested the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Council of Ministers to designate Akre as the official capital of Newroz, the Kurdish New Year celebrated in March

The governor claimed that the request is based on the unique atmosphere of the city during the annual festival celebrations on March 20, and the large number of tourists, both domestic and foreign, who visit Akre for the Newroz ceremonies.

According to Akre’s Mayor, Reza Zebari, more than 100,000 people participated in the Newroz festivities in this year, which included 500 foreign guests.

Newroz celebrations in Akre typically involve torchlight processions up the mountains, followed by a huge fireworks display to music, as people descend from the mountains.

Additionally, many locals, often children, add to the festive atmosphere by setting off their own firecrackers and fireworks.

Moreover, many locals don traditional Kurdish clothing and enjoy picnics in the scenic surroundings.

The Kurdish town of Akre, located in the southeast province of Duhok, is known for its picturesque setting between three mountains and its historic houses built on top of each other, which create a striking visual effect.

The city was part of the province of Nineveh until the Kurdish uprising of March 1991, when it officially became part of the Duhok province under the Kurdistan Region.

Akre has a rich history, dating back to ancient times. Historically, the town has been inhabited by Muslims, Jews, and Christians. That diversity remains even to this day.

The town is known for the Sile and Sipa waterfalls. Other attractions include a shrine of Abdul Aziz Al-Jilani, the Mary Church, Zarka Spring, Gundik Cave, Girbish springs, Zanta Valley, and the temple of Zoroaster.

Today, Akre is a vibrant city with a thriving local culture and picturesque landscape, including restaurants serving traditional Kurdish food, local ice cream, and beautiful mountains.

The Council of Ministers has yet to respond to the governor's request, but the issue is expected to be discussed in the near future.

Regardless of the decision, Akre will continue to be a popular destination for Newroz celebrations and a symbol of Kurdish resilience and identity. ... -of-Newroz
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