Defend Kurdistan: It’s time for a
In a call, Defend Kurdistan said: "Starting on the UN Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare, we call on you to use your creativity and solidarity from 30 November until 3 December to take action (for example, through occupations, street theatre, flash mobs, stadium actions, public film screenings, etc.) and participate together in the demonstrations on 3 December in your regions."
The statement said: "For a week now, the Turkish army has been attacking West Kurdistan (Rojava Kurdistani). We are witnessing the Turkish state waging a dirty war against the civilian population of the self-government of North and East Syria. In order to divert attention from its war crimes in South Kurdistan and to legitimize an attack on West Kurdistan, the Turkish regime has,amateurishly, attempted to implicate the YPG in the bombing that happened in Istanbul two weeks ago.
The attacks have killed numerous civilian victims and many members of the self-defense units have fallen. Energy and health supplies as well as schools and other infrastructure are systematically attacked and destroyed. Thus, the attacks have the goal of forcing people to flee, driving demographic change.
The situation is different from what it was in 2018 during the occupation of Afrin or in 2019 during the invasion of Gire Spî and Serê Kaniyê. These attacks, which have continued uninterrupted since the night of 19-20 November, not only extend along the entire border between Turkey and Syria and on the edge of the territories occupied by Turkey, but also affect areas far inland, such as the Deir-a-Zor region.
The current wave of attacks must be seen as a continuation and intensification of the war. The Turkish state has been waging this war for years against the liberated areas of northern and eastern Syria and the mountains of Southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). After several operations in the past years, the Turkish state has recently intensified its actions against the guerrillas of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement and is committing massive war crimes. Chemical weapons and thermobaric bombs are used.
In Eastern Kurdistan (Rojhîlat Kurdistani), the Iranian regime's military has been marching into the cities since Sunday and is intensifying the cruel repression against the women's revolution in Iran and Kurdistan. The Iranian regime is bombing the positions of Kurdish forces in South Kurdistan like the forces of Turkish fascism. The political rulers of this world idly watch this war of aggression or are content with expressing their supposed concern."
Let us combine solidarity with all parts of Kurdistan for in every Kurdish heart their is a yearning for a