Author: Piling » Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:52 pm
Hey, is it Friday Lent confession ?
As most Kurds LOVE to imagine plot and double agents stories, I am conscious I will disappoint them.
1991 : studying Islamic Arts & CIvilization in Musée du Louvre. I was thinking to specialize in Arab or Iranian worlds. I met a Western Kurd. We married. As all Kurds, he claimed : WHY DO YOU CARE OF MY ENNEMIS AND NOT OF MY PEOPLE ? I say : mmm… Why not ? Ok, i will study Kurds & Kurdistan and bye bye Persians.
Travels in N. Kurdistan, S. Kurdistan. W. Kurdistan and learnt Kurdish in INALCO (Institute of Eastern languages and civilizations with Joyce Blau).
1997 : Met PKK activists. Helped them in communications, writing, etc (They were VERY BAD in communication to Western people). Had a lot of fun with Musa Anter Peace Train (Anthea knows what I mean). Became more activist than my husband (at the end I get rid of him, he was becoming too Westernized for me). Worked a lot in CIK (the office where the killing happened.)
2001 : Decided that Öcalan is a traitor. Bye bye PKK & HADEP (though I appreciated Murat Bozlak). Began to translate Mem and Zîn with Akif Hasan (old activists know who he is). Travelled a lot of times in Northern Kurdistan also, between 1999 and 2001.
2004 : Short of money, had to find a stable job. A place is free in the Kurdish Institute of Paris. Kendal Nezan told me : "Come." Began to travel a lot in S. Kurdistan again.
And I am still there. But hope one day to live definitively in Southern K., especially in Behdinan (especially Amadiyya) when I will find a way to earn my life there.
Never worked for French Services (for that reason I am POOOR
Still writing novels, translating Kurdish literature, etc. because now it is my own world.
Why I stay among Kurds ? Because I like it and I do what I like. Who knows ? one day I will change my mind and go to Japan